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Breastfeeding and Babywearing –

How Can Babywearing Help In

Different Breastfeeding Contexts

Midwife, IBCLC, Babywearing consultant,
Lamaze prenatal educator
What does “babywearing” mean?
Babywearing is the practice of keeping your baby or
toddler close and connected to you as you engage in
daily activities through the use of one of a variety of
types of baby carriers. (

Babywearing meets :

• The baby’s need for close physical contact and for

connection with the parents.

• The parents’ needs for connection with the baby and

for freedom to attend to other duties as well.

It basically means having your baby in your arms, without

using your arms (when you need to use them for
something else).
Babywearing is a timeless tradition present all over the world, on all continents, documented by paintings and
photos during centuries, not a ”trend”.
It is a natural and useful practice that Western, industrialised countries, have been rediscovering in the past

“The Flight into
Egypt” by Frans
Francken the Younger
(1581-1642) &
Abraham Govaerts,
Abraham (1589-
1626), at the Johnny
van Haeften Gallery,
London, UK

Not only mothers

have been carrying
their babies.
Babywearing proven benefits
Oxytocin secretion is stimulated- very important for breastfeeding process, for the baby and for the emotional well being of the new
breastfeeding mom (less risk of postnatal depression).

Babies that are carried are breastfed more- the babies that were carried in the first month of life were breastfed more at 2 moths and at 5 month
of life, than those that hadn’t been carried. (Use of baby carriers to increase breastfeeding duration among term infants: the effects of an educational intervention in
Italy. A Pisacane, P Continisio, C Filosa, V Tagliamonte, G I Continisio 2012)

Babies that are carried cry less, therefore, the mother is less stressed and insecure about breastfeeding. (Increased carrying reduces infant crying: A
randomised controlled trial, UA Hunziker, RG Barr Pediatrics 77 1986)

Babies that are carried regulate their body temperature better: a study has shown that the chest temperature is higher in women than in men, in
women that had given birth than in women that hadn’t, and in breastfeeding moms than in non-breastfeeding moms. (Chest skin temperature of
mothers of term and preterm infants is higher than that of men and women, K Bauer, K Pasel, H Versmold Paediatric Research 1996 39(4) ).

Another study showed that breast temperature changes according to the temperature of the baby, to help them increase or decrease their own
temperature, and in twins (kangoroo care) each breast adapts their temperature according to the needs of each baby. (Breast and Infant Temperatures
with Twins during Kangaroo Care SM Ludington-Hoe, T Lewis, K Morgan, X Cong L Anderson, S Reese JOGGN 2006 35
Why should we recommend and encourage babywearing in a breastfeeding
I. For an optimal transition for both baby and parents to
the 4th trimester of pregnancy

For new parents, and especially for the new breastfeeding mother, her baby’s
needs can be overwhelming, especially if she has unrealistic expectations
regarding the frequency and duration of feedings and the sleep of her baby.

It often happens, especially in the first few weeks, that the baby’s
physiological need for physical contact (feeling cuddled as if in the womb) is
misinterpreted as hunger, supposedly due to inefficient breastfeeding, and
many babies can be supplemented with formula they do not need, because
parents do not know how to soothe their baby in a different way than by
overfeeding. Even if babies continue to cry after being overfed, at least the
parents are soothed it’s not because of hunger.

Being worn in their parents’ arms is a normal and healthy need of the baby,
just like being breastfed or fed. Babywearing is an easy way for the parent to
address this need of his baby (if the parent is aware of it and not afraid of it)
for as long as the baby has it.
II. For an early start

● For premature babies (kangoroo care – skin-

to-skin in a babywearing t-shirt) can help
increase mother’s lactation and confidence in
being able to care for a baby she perceives as
fragile and can not breastfeed at all or

● Kangoroo care for preemies is recommended

especially while sitting, or laid-back, not for
walking around and moving a lot with he baby
in the t-shirt.
The main benefit: enhancing the attachment between all caregivers
and the baby
III. Stronger attachment with other members of the family,
breaks for the breastfeeding mother

If the baby is worn by the father, or a grandparent, or another caregiver, this

can help create a stronger bond between the carrier adult and the baby.

Meanwhile, this can give an overwhelmed mother a much needed and very
welcome break from the baby between breastfeeding sessions, and some time
by herself, or with an older (perhaps even jealous) sibling.

She can afterwards better meet the baby’s needs easier if her other physical and
emotional needs are attend to as well.

IV. Better responsiveness of the breastfeeding mom to the needs of older

siblings (weather tandem breastfed or not) and better adjustment of the
older siblings to the arrival of the breastfed youngest.
V. Breastfeeding grief
Many mothers who had planned to breastfeed, but struggle with exclusive breastfeeding (low milk supply), or with
feeding the baby expressed milk, because the baby can’t breastfeed (health problems such as a cleft palate) or won’t
breastfeed (baby refusing the breast) have a hard time connecting with the baby and feeling competent and successful as
a parent. Some of these mothers can even experience a feeling of “breastfeeding grief” which can increase their risk of
postnatal depression.
Babywearing is another way to bond with the baby, feel more competent and accept the lack of breastfeeding.

VI. Weaning the child

Weather it is weaning only for the night, or weaning all together, a child that used to breastfeed to sleep or whenever she
wanted to, can feel less rejected if they still receive the comfort of the closeness of the mother’s or father’s body and the
soothing rocking movement from the womb.
Breastfeeding in a babywearing system?
It’s best to avoid it, especially in the first 3-6 months, when baby’s own
head and back support is not optimal.

It is possible for older babies or toddlers and experienced mothers, but in

exceptional situations when the mother can’t take a breastfeeding break and
needs to continue her activity when the baby or the child needs to
breastfeed and can’t be soothed differently.

It is highly important to respect the safety measures and preferably do it in

one spot, without walking, paying attention to the breastfeeding baby as

VII. Breastfeeding in babywearing systems in special difficult

situations that require breastfeeding the baby in an upright position:

- Babies who refuse the breast

- Temporary health problems: GERD, ear infections, abundant mucus

while the baby has a cold
Safety ABC:

AIRWAYS - free airways, the face is visible and not

What does healthy, ergonomical

covered, the baby’s chin is at least 2 fingers away form
her chest.

BODY POSITIONING babywearing mean?

- The baby’s body is vertical, always facing towards the
parent, not away from the parent, whether he is in the
front, on the hip or on the back;

- The baby’s forehead is no further then a kiss away

from the parent’s head;

- The baby’s knees are at the level of her navel;

- The fabric is tightly spread from knee to knee and

over the back of the baby, up to the back of her head,
offering optimal support.

COMFORTABLE – both for baby and parent.

Examples of unhealthy, non-ergonomic baby carriers that do not
meet the safety requirements and are also uncomfortable
Examples of ergonomic babywearing systems
Exemple de sisteme de purtare ergonomice,
Ergonomic carriers can be used from birth, if the carrier is suited for the
age and size of the baby and the has optimal positioning

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