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The Sociological

Perspectives of
Culture and
The Significance
of Cultural
Changes in
Review of the previous lesson
+What is culture? What is Society?
+How are the two concepts connected to each
+What is the importance of Anthropology and
Sociology in the study of society?
Activity: My Culture
Describe the usual dynamics of your family at
home in terms of the questions below.
+What is the language used?
+What is the usual set up when having breakfast,
lunch and dinner?
+What is your religion? What do you usually do in
the practice of your religion?
+What is considered good and bad behavior?
In the table below, categorize your answers
based on what is indicated.
Symbols Language System of
Culture Society
Describe the changes based on your answer
in the previous slide over the years. Use the
table below.
The Concept of CULTURE

+ Culture is composed of behavior (explicit and implicit)

acquired and transmitted through symbols. It is a human
group that includes their distinctive achievements and
embodiment in artifacts, traditional and historical ideas,
and formation of values.
+ Culture systems can be considered as a product of action
from conditional elements of a society.
The Concept of CULTURE
+ Culture consists of experiences that are organized,
learned or created by the individuals of a population,
including those images and images adding up their
unique interpretations transmitted from the past
generations up to the future.
Aspects of CULTURE
1. Dynamic , Flexible and Adaptive
• Culture changes constantly throughout the time. It varies on the
societal structure and the capacities of its members to respond.
2. Shared and Contested
• Culture through its elements is enjoyed by a group of people
who live together. It also allows its members to predict the
behavior of other members, but it is no assurance that they will
think and act similarly.
Aspects of CULTURE
3. Learned through socialization or enculturation
• Culture is learned with practice through continued process. It
is a lifelong process in which social interaction play a vital
4. Patterned Social Interactions
• Culture creates patterned behavior and social interactions
that can be transmitted through socialization and
Aspects of CULTURE
5. Integrated and at Times Unstable
• Culture to be always functioning must maintain its components
integrated. Language must have its idea and ideals intact for the
successful transmission from one person to another.
6. Transmitted through socialization / enculturation
• Socialization is a process of learning and internalizing rules and
patterns of society,(Sociological perspective),while enculturation is
a process of learning and adopting ways and manners of culture,
( anthropological perspective).
Aspects of CULTURE
7. Requires Language and other forms of communication.
• Culture will be successfully transmitted if it is uses language
and other forms of communication within their context
Types of CULTURE
Material Culture Non-Material Culture
• Food • Ideas and Knowledge
• Clothing fashion • Beliefs and Traditions
• Buildings and Properties • Symbols & Language
• Arts and Technology • Behavior
• Religions
Elements of Culture
Example in the
Elements Definition
Philippine Context

These are the standard and expected behavior

within a society. It is divided into two: formal
norms and informal norms
Norms Formal Norms
• Mores – they are norms that Premarital Sex
has a form control to moral Homosexual relationship
and ethical behavior
Elements of Culture
Example in the
Elements Definition
Philippine Context
• Laws –they are ordinance of 1987 Constitution,
reason enacted to protect the Laws promulgated by
people from the effects the Philippine
of outdated mores government
Norms Informal Norms
• Folkways or customs – they
Doing “ Mano po”
are behaviors of less importance
Practicing Bayanihan
yet still influence
our behavior
Elements of Culture
Example in the
Elements Definition
Philippine Context
A symbol of cross refers
These are anything that carry a
to Christianity while
Symbols meaning recognized by people
crescent shape is for
who share a culture.

These are culturally defined

Filipino hospitality,
standards by which people assess
resiliency, close-family
Values desirability, goodness, and beauty
ties, positive outlook in
and that serve as broad guidelines
life and optimism
for social living.
Elements of Culture
Example in the
Elements Definition
Philippine Context

These are specific statements that

Beliefs Superstitious beliefs
people hold to be true.

The crossing of fingers

It refers to a form of communication may refer that someone
using words either spoken or gestured is hoping for good luck
with the hands and structured with but in Vietnam it represents
grammar, often with a writing system. the genitals
of a female
Elements of Culture
Example in the
Elements Definition
Philippine Context
These are norms that are
crucial to a society’s moral
Taboos center, involving behaviors Incest, cannibalism
that are always negatively
The Concept of SOCIETY
+it is a system of community life in which
individuals form a continuous and regulatory
association for their mutual benefit and
The Concept of SOCIETY
+it is composed of individuals and interacting
groups sharing a common culture.
The Concept of SOCIETY
+It is a systematic network of social relations and
it is the venue where the dynamics of
cooperation and conflict occurs. It is where man
can define his cultural identity and see structures
that exert expectations and orders in him.
The Concept of SOCIETY
+The understanding that society is a
system of usages and procedures, of
authority and mutual aid, of many
groupings and divisions, of controls of
human behavior and of liberties.
Changes in
+The term "cultural change" is used by
sociologists and in public policy to denote the
way society is changed. The society takes on
new cultural traits, behavior patterns, and social
norms, and creates new social structures as a
+This level of societal change occurs from
contact with another society (for example,
through war or mass migration), invention
and diffusion of innovations (automobiles or
a smart phone in every pocket?), and
+Mass migration refers to the migration of large
groups of people from one geographical area to
+Invention, the act of bringing ideas or objects
together in a novel way to create something that
did not exist before. Ever since the first
prehistoric stone tools, humans have lived in a
world shaped by invention.
+ Diffusion, also known as cultural diffusion, is a social
process through which elements of culture spread
from one society or social group to another.
+ Innovation - It refers to the process of introducing
new ideas, techniques, products, or services into a
society or culture. It can also refer to the way that
social institutions, such as governments, respond to
changes in their environment or to the emergence of
new technologies.
Importance of Cultural Change

+Culture is automatically changing in the society,

however, the changing of the culture, values and
beliefs with the passage of time, is important in
the society, because in this way the environment
can be shaped in the better way, people can get
the understanding about the modernization.
Importance of Cultural Change

+Moreover, other countries and societies will do

efforts to bring the change; cultural change based
on the society values and the norms.
Examples of Cultural Change

+I have seen many examples of cultural change in my societies, as

people are giving importance to the changing values and beliefs,
however, last week I was with my friend, she is from the family,
who do not allow the women of their home to go out for jobs, she
was restricted by her family. Consequently, from the cultural change
of the society, when her family noticed that other girls are earning
good money and thus the living status affected, they also allow her
to do the job of her choice, she was happy. However, the changing
values and cultural change influencing the minds of the people and
people are learning from each other.
Social Change
+ It is the shift in human interactions that transform the
existing cultural and social institutions.
+ These shifts usually occur gradually, developing over
+ People are stronger when they come together, not
when they’re divided, so the collective energy that
builds to propel societal changes is incredibly
Examples of Social Change
+ The increasing acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community.
+ The decline of traditional gender roles
+ The growth of the internet and social media
+ The increasing acceptance of mental health as a valid concern
+ The shift to online education
+ Population growth rate; percentage of urban and rural population.
+ health and life expectancy.
+ education and culture.
+ nutrition.
+ employment and social security.
+ consumption.
+ wealth and social welfare.
How Social Change affect our lives?
+Social change can be defined as the way in
which human interactions, relationships,
behavior patterns, and cultural norms change
over time. These changes ultimately transform
cultural and social institutions, concepts, and
rules, which will inevitably impact society for
the long-haul.
+ 1. From the concepts you have learned in this lesson, illustrate the changes of the
teenager over the years in terms of his/ her culture as a Filipino. Under the concept
of culture are the categories. Write the changes as it is being indicated below. You
choose. Either CANVA or chart.
2.Explain the factors that brought these changes (your
answers above). Cite at least 1 or 2 related studies that
can further help your explanation with empirical data.
Show your table with figures and results.
3.How can these changes be significant to the
4.How can analyzing and understanding the
concepts and aspects of culture and changes
be a help in these changes?

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