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(Cheney, 1991)
What is Creative Non-Fiction?
• The Creative Non-Fiction (CNF) • Doesn’t just report facts; delivers facts
genre can be rather elusive. It is in ways that move people toward a
focused on story, meaning it has a deeper understanding of the topic
narrative plot with an inciting • Creactive non-fiction writers must see
moment, rising action, climax and beyond facts “to discover their
denoument, just like fiction. underlying mening” ; they must
• Requires the skill of the storyteller “dramatize that meaning in an
and the research ability of the interesting,evocative,informative
reporter way.”
• Simply put, it is nonfiction that reads like fiction. The elements within
narrative nonfiction are similar to those found within novels, including:
well-developed characters, engaging dialogue, a story that follows a
narrative arc, an identifiable theme, and the use of literary devices such as
symbolism and imagery.
• The 4 Golden Rules of Writing Creative Nonfiction
• Make sure everything is factually accurate
• Play with person
• Follow emotion
• Incorporate literary techniques
• Traditional nonfiction is a straight forward survey of a given topic. They
are written in clear, concise language in an expository style.
Informational fiction presents facts and information within a fictional
story. Narrative nonfiction tells a true story with no made up parts in the
form of a narrative.
• Example of Non-Fiction? • Best describes creative nonfiction?
• The genre of creative nonfiction • The best creative nonfiction tells a
(also known as literary nonfiction) is true story in an artistic or literary
broad enough to include travel way. This means that the story has
writing, nature writing, science certain elements, such as descriptive
writing, sports writing, biography, imagery, settings, plot, conflict,
autobiography, memoir, the characters, and other literary
interview, and both the familiar and devices.
personal essay.

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