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What are some forms of racism today???

What are some possible reasons for it?

attributing the same characteristics to
all members of a group
Prejudice and
overt bias

Racial discrimination can

happen because of obvious
prejudice or negative
feelings held by someone
about a racialized person or

Being refused a job or apartment

for the color of their skin
Racial profiling…
actions taken for reasons of
safety, security or public
protection that use
stereotypes about race,
religion or place of origin
instead of reasonable
suspicion, to single out an
individual different treatment
Covert racial discrimination
Covert racism is a form of
racial discrimination that is
hidden, it’s not public or
obvious. Covert racism
discriminates against
individuals often through
passive methods
What are some of the
possible reasons for
Othello being treated
in a racist way???
Venetians who did not
hate Othello for his skin
colour keep reminding
him that he was a noble
and skilled man,
despite his dark skin.
Why was having dark skin such a

A warm climate was thought to be the cause;

• bad temper
• lustful feelings
• jealousy
• black skin
Othello has a different cultural
heritage and beliefs from the
other characters

We can see an example of this in the significance

the handkerchief has for him and superstition
Othello doesn’t
share the same
history with
the Venetians
so he does not
completely fit
into Venetian
He does not
follow the social
conventions of
Venetian society,
for example not
properly wooing
Othello is given
many offensive “an old black ram”
names by both
others and himself
throughout the play
These names can be divided
into three main categories:
names connected to animals,
to monsters and devils, and
names connected to racial
“blacker devil” characteristics.
“Her name, that was as fresh As
Dian’s visage, is now begrimed
and black as mine own face.”

In this passage we
can see that Othello
almost feels like his
“blackness” is
contagious, like it’s
dirtied Desdemona
Othello’s self-image is
altered by his role as an
outsider in Venetian
society, and probably by
the racist remarks he has
heard throughout his life
Are different types of discrimination,
directed towards people today all equal?

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