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“If you knew what I know
about the power of giving, you
would not let a single meal pass
without sharing it in some
way.” - Buddha
Simplify the concept of transformational

Determine the distinct characteristics of a

LEARNIN good leader;

G Develop commitment towards the values

of teamwork and decision making.

The capacity to perform mental, physical, emotional, and
social activities experienced during the five stages of
human life. (Prenatal, infancy, childhood, adolescence,
and adulthood). It includes the behavior dictated by
culture, society, values, morals, ethics, and genetics.

o It refers to the internal and external factors that stimulate desire and
energy of a human person to stay continually interested in
o It is a commitment to a job, role, or subject, and the exertion of
persistent effort in attaining a goal.
o It is a result of the interplay of conscious and unconscious factors,
such as the power of desire or need, the value of the reward of a goal
and the presupposition of an individual and its significance with
The opposite of motivation can happen as well.
Demotivation can be caused by fear, low levels of
engagement, and poor communication. Being
demotivated may hinder a person from achieving
his/her goals.
o Leadership is concerned with qualities demonstrated by a leader and
the process of social influences in which a human person enlists the
aid support of another to accomplish an activity. Some people are
good leaders, while others are not. A good leader possesses qualities
that will make others follow him/her.
Visionary. Good leaders LEADER
know where they want to
go, and they can motivate Witty. Good leaders can
people to believe in their make sound judgements
vision for their country,
community, and family.
1 and decisions even
during crucial situations.
Good leaders view things
as they could be and not
simply as what they are.
2 Compassionate. Good
leaders show compassion for

Passionate. Good leaders

3 their supporters
followers. They possess

are very passionate and excellent coaching and

intensely immersed in
whatever they are focused
4 development skills. While
these leaders have goals to
on. accomplish, they can still
consistently care for their
Charismatic. Good
LEADER Communicative. Good
leaders are fascinating leaders are usually great
individuals who tend to speakers and
draw the human person charismatic. They are
towards excelling in 5 fluent in conveying and
building relationships and expressing ideas and are
6 convincing.

Persistent. Good leaders

are determined to attain
7 Having integrity. Good
leaders keep their words and
their goals despite
obstacles and problems. 8 promises during elections of
campaign periods. They are
They believe that the reliable.
benefits of attaining their
goals outweigh the risks
and hardships.
Daring. Good leaders are LEADER
bold, willing to take risks,
and determined to chase
their dreams amid the
reality of fear and
Churchill states
that 95 Disciplined. Good
leaders observe self-
courage is the virtue on
which all other virtues
10 control and order. Where
most people are easily
distracted or dejected,
good leaders manage to
stay focused and steady
regardless of the
Leaders must recognize, develop, and refine personal qualities
that are needed to become effective leaders, particularly the
kind of leaders others want or need to follow. The following
are the qualities that good leaders must possess:

1. Character is the quality of human being’s behavior as revealed in

his/her habits, opinions, attitudes, interests, actions and personal
philosophies. A good leader possesses food vision, courage, integrity,
humility, and the ability to plan strategically and catalyze
2. Charisma refers to the ability to charm and influence a person, group, or
3. Commitment refers to the act of engaging in a continuous obligation. It
also refers to the intellectual and emotional adherence to a political,
social, cultural, or religious entity or cause.
4. Communication is a two-way process of conveying and understanding
information in which there is a created and shared meaning among the
communicators. The meaning of communication is in the response and
not only in what is said or how it is said.
5. Competence is the manifestation of a sufficient amount of knowledge
and skills that enable a person to act in various situations. A competent
person can understand and respond to different situations accordingly and
reasonably. Core competence means having fundamental knowledge,
ability , or expertise in a specific area.

6. Courage is a quality of a person who faces difficulties without fear and

making things right. The boldness of a leader can inspire people and
Transformational Leadership
- is a theory of leadership that identifies the changes that need to
take place. It is when leaders are able to inspire and generate
awareness and acceptability towards a person or group’s purpose
and mission.

- transformative leader is a role model who motivates members to

be more innovative and risk-takers. They are not afraid to explore
unconventional strategies in achieving a collective vision. This kind
of leadership goes beyond the traditional transactional leadership
that emphasizes corrective action and exchanges and completion of
performance expectations.
Transactional and Transformational
Transactional leadership mainly focuses on completion
of performance on centralization in which the managers
direct most of the activities by telling each person what
to do and how to do it. Meanwhile, transformational
leaders trust their subordinates and allows them to have
space for growth.
Transactional leadership is based on power that makes use of
rewards and coercion to deliver benefits to members (patronage). It
is also characterized by the use of force or fear as illustrated by
colonization, vote-buying, and other similar methods.

Transformational leadership or real leadership starts with

recognizing the members’ needs and the steps towards achieving
these needs and relating rewards to effort.
Behaviors of a Transformational Leader

1 Articulates a creative vision of the future.

Uses story symbols in communicating

Behaviors 2 messages

3 Has a strong sense of purpose and mission

Behaviors of a Transformational Leader

4 Expresses optimism,
confidence in achieving goals

Engenders trust and respect by doing

Behaviors 5 what is right, not just doing things right.

6 Instills pride in the members of an organization

Behaviors of a Transformational Leader

7 Talks of the importance of values and


Considers moral and ethical

Behaviors 8 consequences of decision-making

9 Seeks different perspectives in problem-solving

Behaviors of a Transformational Leader

Encourages the members of an

10 organization to challenge old assumptions
and think of better solutions.

Spends time teaching and coaching new

Behaviors 11 members of an organization.

12 Considers the uniqueness of an individual

member’s needs, abilities, and aspirations.
Behaviors of a Transformational Leader

Recognizes and celebrates the

achievement of members, and is
Behaviors 13 compassionate, appreciative, and
responsive to everyone.
1. Charisma. Charismatic leaders are influencers who envision and build
self-confidence and promote high standards.
2. Inspirational Motivation. The inspiration motivation of leader provides
challenges and reason for engaging in goals and undertakings.
3. Intellectual Stimulation. Intellectual stimulation allows others to
question and generate more creative solutions for problems and issues
that are encountered.
4. Individualized Considerations. A good leader treats each member of an
organization as a unique person, and provides coaching, mentoring, and
opportunities for growth.
Leadership development is necessary for organizations to succeed.
This can be done by organizing the current pool of leaders, providing
knowledge and skills, and supporting active leaders.

1. Developing a pool of leaders entails finding the right person with

leadership qualities, widening the “catchment area”, and assuring
democratic process.
2. Providing knowledge and skills requires building the leaders’
personal capacities.
3. Supporting active leaders means not placing them in positions and
leaving them without growth.

1. A leader must be energetic, sympathetic, friendly, and understandable

to ensure the enthusiastic cooperation of his/her followers.
2. A leader must be confident in knowing and doing a task to gain the
confidence of his/her followers.
3. A leader must serve as an example for his/her followers.
1. Be proactive. Being proactive means taking responsibility for one’s life
through his/her freedom to choose which behavior and responses he/she
should exhibit. A person can have creativity and initiative.
2. Begin with the end in mind. When designing a plan or making a
decision, one must ensure that it is what he/she wants. He/She must
dedicate time and effort in achieving his/her plan.
3. Prioritize. One must practice self-management by knowing his/her
4. Think win-win. One must look at life as a form of cooperation rather
than competition. Entering agreements and making solutions that are
mutually beneficial and for both parties can lead to a morse satifying life.

5. Understand first, then be understood. To understand someone, one

must listen and have empathy. The listener must put himself/herself in the
other person’s shoes. Listening to another person’s explanation can enable
the listener to evaluate, probe, and interpret in the speaker’s feelings and
give advice.
6. Synergize. Synergy refers to the habit and practice of creative
cooperation. Groups can produce better results as compared to individuals
because more tasks can be done more things are maximized and utilized.

7. Sharpen the saw. What someone learned from years ago may become
obsolete in the present. Learning is a never-ending process; the brain needs
constant updating. Along with this, humor is a powerful tool that one can
use in the workplace because it fosters camaraderie.

Teamwork is the collaborative process of working within a group of people

to achieve its goals.

Teamwork entails people’s cooperation by using their skills and providing

constructive feedback, regardless of any personal conflict.

Teamwork brings people together for a common purpose, and prioritizes

the needs of the group instead of the needs of the individuals.

This encompasses arranging, organizing, scheduling, and budgeting to

generate more effective work and productivity. With the abundance of
reading materials, classroom discussions, workshops, day-planning, and
seminar-workshops on time management, teachers and corporations are
more organized and productive, owing to the use of time management as a
tool for the busy world.

It is a skill anyone can and must have. Reading materials and seminar-
workshops about time management often focus on business leaders and
A process that involves selecting the most logical choice from among two or
more options. Making a decision is instrumental in the survival and
prosperity of human beings. Although the ability to make the correct
decision within a short time is a highly valued trait, one cannot follow a set
of patterns when deciding on a course of action at all points in time. There
are different types of decision making that one does depending on the
situation at hand.
Evaluate all options
and identify which
of them are the
most effective and
appropriate in Conduct an in-depth
Identify alternative
meeting the set evaluation and select
solutions to problems.
objectives. the best option.

1 2 3
1. A consensus or agreement entails compromising different possibilities
after all opinions have been discussed. The discussions should foster
understanding, unity, cooperation, and commitment, and everyone
should be able to express themselves freely. Disagreement and minority
viewpoints should be studied as much as the agreement.
2. Majority voting is most effective way of making decisions; however,
the minority might lose interest because they may feel they have not
been heard.
3. A silent consensus often leads to a unanimous decision. This type of
decision-making involvement is not usually used when deciding on
important issues. When some members do not want to disagree or they
choose to stay silent, it is assumed that they are unanimously agreeing to a
4. A clique is a small group with members who plan their decision-making
beforehand so that they can get their preferred way of resolving an issue.
5. The handclasp happens when a person gives a suggestion and another
person approves of it without further discussion. This method is not
recommended because it might cause resentment among the people
involved in the decision-making.
6. The one-person decision is that which is made quickly; however later
on, the decision-maker might not get full support because he/she did not
consider other people while making the decision.
7. The plop occurs when a group decides not to make a decision at all.
When someone makes a suggestion, it is dropped, and no one pays further
attention to it.
1. Fear of consequences, which brings division and disagreement within the members of an
2. Conflicting loyalties, which frequently lead to the division of loyalty towards the decisions
3. Interpersonal conflicts and personal differences, which might interfere with sound decision-
4. Hidden agendas and secret motives, which hinder the decision-making for reasons the
members of the organization do not want to share.
5. Blundering methods, which include using rigid procedures that leave little room for
expressing differing views, substituting personal opinions for adequate information, and
disregarding proper consultation or consensus.
6. Inadequate leadership, which restricts the expression of opinions and discussion on issues
and disregards the factors that cause difficulty in the organization.
7. Clash of interest, which could result in opposing views towards decision making.
Thank you! ☺

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