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Adding Final Sounds

Book 14
Have your child name the picture (car) .
Now have them slowly say each sound in the word (c-ar). They should point at one box at a time as they
say each sound.
Now have them do the same thing, but ask them to stop when they get to the /c/ sound. When they say
/c/ they should freeze. Repeat this with each sound until they can stop at the correct sound position that
you name. Ask: What is the first sound? Last sound?
Now have them say car one more time. Ask them what mystery word would they make if they added a
/d/ sound at the end of the word? They can point to the boxes as they say the sounds.

Turn the page to see

if you got it right!
Now have them say bee (b-ee). Ask them what mystery word would they make if they put a /ch/ sound
at the end of the word? They can point to the boxes as they say the sounds.

Turn the page to see

if you got it right!
Now have them say ten. Ask them what mystery word would they make if they put a /t/ sound at the
end of the word? They can point to the boxes as they say the sounds.

Turn the page to see

if you got it right!
Now have them say pet. Ask them what mystery word would they make if they put a /s/ sound at the
end of the word? They can point to the boxes as they say the sounds.

Turn the page to see

if you got it right!
Good Job!

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