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Session 1

L.O.: To be able to use pastels to shade the moon

Steps to Success
- I know and can name the different parts of the moon.

- I have made moon marks using a white pastel.

- I have used light smudging to add detail.

L.O.: To be able to use pastels to shade the moon

What are the darker

parts that you can see?
How were these
images taken?
L.O.: To be able to use pastels to shade the moon
The darker parts are called craters.

How were these

craters made?
L.O.: To be able to use pastels to shade the moon

This is the side of the moon that we

see from Earth. We never see the
other side of the moon from our
planet but you can take pictures of
the other side using a satellite.

What do you think the other side

looks like?
L.O.: To be able to use pastels to shade the moon

Why are there more

craters on this side?
L.O.: To be able to use pastels to shade the moon

Did you know… different parts of the moon have

different names, just like on Earth!

Astronomers named the darker areas ‘seas’ because

they thought that they looked like them.

Look at the crater Tycho and the

interesting ‘ray lines’ around it –
can we find it on the moon map?
L.O.: To be able to use pastels to shade the moon

What colours, textures and shapes can you see?

L.O.: To be able to use pastels to shade the moon

What type of art equipment has been used to make

these pictures?

White pastels/chalk
L.O.: To be able to use pastels to shade the moon

Watch this video carefully.

Where does the artist begin to draw?

Why does he not push heavy on the pencil?
When does he add the detail?
L.O.: To be able to use pastels to shade the moon

Create a map of Create a map of Create an accurate

the moon with map of the moon,
the moon with considering
recognisable key features and proportion and
dark and light some scale of features,
parts, using appropriate selecting
some colour and appropriate colours
appropriate marks. and smudging and
colour and blending to make
marks. TOP TIPS: marks.
First, shade the edge of your picture with your white pastel.
Next, use the photo to add detail on your moon map.
After, smudge lightly for effect!
L.O.: To be able to use pastels to shade the moon

Imagine your picture is

hanging in an Art gallery.
Explain to your partner:
What drawing method did
you use and why?
How did you show the detail
in your picture?
What could you improve for
next time?

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