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by Piroska Kovács 2028b
Everyone has bad habits that can interrupt
your life and stop you from get your goals.

A habit is any action what we do often. If this

habit becomes undesirable, we name it to be a
“bad habit”.

Habits can be hard to break, when they

become deeply wired in our brain after
many repetitions. But there are many
ways to change them.
For example... nail biting

not getting enough sleep

eating unhealthy smoking

unhealthy drinking
...more example...


being late


Bad habits maybe feel good at the moment, but in the long term, they have
negative physical, and emotional consequences.

(and it’s a big big but!!)

There are also good habits!! 😏

good vs bad habits

good habits don't necessarily

balance out bad habits

Good habits are those repetitive Bad habits are those actions you
actions or behaviors you want to repeat that have negative
repeat. consequences.

They have positive physical, or Some bad habits are harmless, while
emotional consequences. others can have a deeper, long-term
How to stop a habit?

The first step is to know what your habit

is. A lot of people don't know or won't
admit it.

• Avoid tempting situations.

• Replace unhealthy behaviors with
healthy ones.
• Prepare mentally.
• Enlist support.
• Reward yourself for small steps.
Thank you !

My goal with this presentation isn’t to steer everyone in the right

direction, but rather to present the given topic.

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