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MK Biodiversitas Laut

IDRIS (C551180141)
Keanekaragaman Hayati

• Keragaman semua
organisme yang ada dibumi
• Keragaman genetik
• Keragaman jenis
• Keragaman ekosistem
Sebaran Keanekargaman hayati
laut dunia
• Perbedaan posisi lintang
• Perbedaan iklim
• Perbedaan posisi ketinggian dari
permukaan laut

Perbedaan suhu permukaan

laut, kelembaban, iklim, angin,
curah hujan, dan faktor

Sebaran Jenis dan Jumlah berbeda-

beda di masing-masing wilayah
Biota laut memiliki faktor
pembatas untuk hidup
Global distribution of marine biodiversity

Credit: F. Ramírez, I. Afán, L. S. Davis and A. Chiaradia

Sebaran keanekargaman jenis ikan di beberapa
daerah perlindungan laut

Sumber : Global conservation outcomes depend on marine protected

areas with five key features
Species diversity and endemism of penaeid
shrimp in four marine regions

Biogeografic Number of Number of

Region Species endemic
Indo-West 125 124
East pacific 16 16
West Atlantic 21 18
East Atlantic 16 3
Source : Dall, W., B,J. Hill, P.C Rothlisberg, and D.J. Sharples. 1990. The Biology Of the Penaidae. Advances in
Marine Biology 27 : 1-484

• Broer, Wijnand dan Schaick, Jolanda van. 2007. Biodiversity A GRI Reporting
Resource. Global Reporting Initiative
• Dall, W., B,J. Hill, P.C Rothlisberg, and D.J. Sharples. 1990. The Biology Of the
Penaidae. Advances in Marine Biology 27 : 1-484
• Edgar G.J, Stuart-Smith R.D, Willis T.J, Kininmonth S., Baker S.C, Banks
S., Barrett N.S, Becerro M.A, Bernard A.TF, Berkhout J., Buxton C.D, Campbell
S.J, Cooper A.T, Davey M., Edgar S.C, Forsterra G., Galvan D.E, Irigoyen
A.J, Kushner D.J, Moura R., Parnell P.E, Shears N.T, Soler G., Strain E.MA, and
Thomson R.J. 2014. Global conservation outcomes depend on marine pro-
tected areas with five key features. Journal Nature : 506.
• Francisco Ramírez, Isabel Afán, Lloyd S. Davis, André Chiaradia. Climate
impacts on global hot spots of marine biodiversity. Science Advances, 2017;
3 (2): e1601198 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1601198

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