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Countries and

E g i p t F S c o t
C B r a s i l E I r
l I n d i P o r t u g
R A u s t r a l i O V i e t n a m
H C o l o mb
G G e r
A C a n a d
I G r e e
P K o r e
M T h a
B M e x i c
K O m a n
N M a l a y s
S F r e n
Q P e r u v
T S o u t h A f r i c
1. Egypt is famous for the pharaohs and the pyramids.
2. Brazil is famous for soccer and for the Amazon.
3. India is famous for the Ganges river and for the Kumbhamela, the largest religious festival in the
4. Australia is famous for kangaroos and koalas.
5. Colombia is famous for coffee and biodiversity.
6. Canada is famous because it produces 70% of the world's maple syrup and because it is the
world capital of the polar bear.
7. Korea is famous for robotics and for the k-pop music genre.
8. Mexico is famous for its gastronomy and for the mariachis.
9. Malaysia is famous for the Petronas Twin Towers and for the thaipusam festival.
10. Peru is famous for the yamas and Machu Picchu.
 11. Scotland is famous for bagpipes and whiskey.
 12. ireland is famous for the festival of saint patrick and for elves and fairies.
 13. Portugal is famous for Cristiano Ronaldo and for Belem, the historic district of Lisbon.
 14. Vietnam is famous for Halong Bay and its natural resources.
 15. Germany is famous for beer and sausages.
 16. Greece is famous for its mythology and for the Panathenaic Stadium.
 17. Thailand is famous because it is the only country in Southeast Asia that has never been
colonized by any European nation and it is the country that exports the most rice in the world.
 18. Oman is famous for the Salalah Tourism Festival and Oman Pudding.
 19. France is famous for the Eiffel Tower and for its perfumes.
 20. South Africa is famous for Nelson Mandela and for being one of the world's leading
producers of minerals such as platinum, chromium, vanadium, zirconium and manganese.

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