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The paradox of early

comparative literature:
 The term comparative literature appeared in an age of transition.
 In europe, as Nation struggled for independence from the
ottoman empire from the austro hungarian empire from
Paradox: France ,from russia .
 New nation states came into being national identity was in
extrricably bound up with national culture .
 Comaprarist may have chosen to ignore the heated political
context in which the first statement about comparative literature
were made .
 But it is sticking to note that whilst the idea about spirit and soul
of natiOn and comparsion involved evaluating one culture higher
than other .
 France is most sensitive of all countries .
 France into europe said philtarete chaldea in his 1835 speech in
athene he had complete contempt for narrow minded and blind
patriotism .
 Lord macaulay altitude when he consigned indian and arabian
literatu to scrapheap was not unlike .
 Chalsles had too absolute belief in superiority of his own culture.
 Goethe’s remark about world literature need to be seen in context
for eventually draw attention to the literature of continent beyond
europe .
 Coinage weltlitrraur realted to his point of view on europe in
particular desire for an end of war .
 What become apparent when he look at origins of Comparative
literature is that term predates subject .
 People used phrase Comparative literature without clear ideas
about what it was .
 We see that comparative was set against national and study of
national literature risked of partisanship .
 The term was used loosely but was associated with the desire for
peace in europe and for harmony between natioris .
 Chalsles 1835 abel francois villemain 1829 healed the value of stuff
patterns of influence.
 According to claskes was to before anything else a pleasure trip
involved look at great figure from16 the century .
 Communication ,comingling sharing were key word in view of
comparative literature.
 Antidote to nationalism even though it’s roots went to deep into
national culture .
 Frenchmen interest focus on gift giving process of litrtay influence
and it’s neighbor.
 Shakespeare evidence by polifirication of translation of English
culture but rather read as proptiptpcal revolutionaries

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