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Project : Deep Fake Detection

Team Members :

1) Rohan Bhopale - 20UCS019

2) Yash Birla - 20UCS022
3) Akshay Chavan - 20UCS029
4) Varad Ghatage - 20UCS053
5) Shirish Hadpad - 20UCS058
6) Ramanand Kadam - 20UCS063

In an age where digital media is increasingly pervasive, the rise of deepfake technology poses unprecedented
challenges to the authenticity of visual content. Deepfakes are synthetic media, often videos, that convincingly
manipulate or replace elements of an original video with fabricated content. These manipulations are so
sophisticated that they can create seemingly authentic footage of individuals saying or doing things they never
actually did.This technology, while holding potential for entertainment and creative expression, also raises
serious concerns related to misinformation, privacy invasion, and the erosion of trust in digital content.
Deepfakes can be used to spread false information, defame individuals, or manipulate public perceptions.
This project embarks on a journey to address the deepfake challenge by proposing a robust and innovative
deep fake detection framework. Leveraging multi-modal analysis, this framework aims to enhance the
accuracy of identifying manipulated videos, safeguarding the integrity of digital media and bolstering trust in
an era of increasing digital manipulation.
Problem Statement :

Develop a robust and accurate deep fake detection system capable of differentiating
between authentic and manipulated videos in the face of evolving and sophisticated
deepfake techniques.

Problem description
The problem revolves around the rapid rise of deepfake technology, which generates
videos that appear genuine but are actually manipulated. Detecting these
manipulated videos accurately has become challenging due to the sophistication of
the techniques involved. Developing effective deep fake detection methods is
crucial to prevent the spread of misinformation and ensure the authenticity of digital

1. Our project aims at discovering the distorted truth of the deep fakes.
2. Our project will reduce the abuses’ and misleading of the common people on
the world wide web.
3. Our project will distinguish and classify the video as deepfake or pristine.
4. Provide an easy-to-use system for used to upload the video and distinguish
whether the video is real or fake.


Feature Extraction using CNN:
Using ResNet(Residual Network) to solve
vanishing Gradient Problem.
Facilities Required for Proposed Work

1) RAM: 16GB
3) Storage: Up to 100GB
4) Storage Type: SSD (Preferred)

5) Python environment
6) Deep learning frameworks
7) Feature extraction algorithms

1) Jerry john, bismin V. Sherif comparative analysis on different deepfake

detection methods and semi supervised GAN architecture for deepfake
detection 2022.
2) S. Suratkar and P. Sharma, "A simple and effective way to detect deepfakes:
using 2D and 3D CNN", security privacy and data analytics. Lecture notes in
electrical engineering, vol. 848, 2022.
3) G. Oberoi, exploring deepfakes, jan. 2021, [online] available:

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