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It is a long-term shift in weather conditions

identified by changes in temperature,
precipitation, winds, and other indicators.

The earth's climate is naturally

variable on all time scales.
Not all of those factors that have
been responsible for changes in
earth's climate in the distant past
are relevant to contemporary
climate change.

Factors that cause climate change

can be divided into two categories ­-
those related to natural processes
and those related to human
People had long suspected that human
activity could change the local climate.

But greater shifts of climate happened all by


In 1896 - Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius

By burning fossil fuels such as coal, thus adding CO2 to Earth's
atmosphere, humanity would raise the planet's average
temperature. It’s "greenhouse effect“.
In the 1930s, measurements showed
that the United States and North
Atlantic region had warmed
significantly during the previous half-

In the early 1970s, the rise of

environmentalism raised public doubts about
the benefits of any human activity for the

One unexpected discovery was that the levels of other

"greenhouse gases" such as methane and chlorofluorocarbons
were rising explosively.
In 1988 when scientists had first begun
to call for restrictions on greenhouse
gases, the world's governments created
a panel to give advice on the issue.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

Change (IPCC) was comprised of
representatives appointed independently by
each government

Scientists knew the most important things about how the climate
could change during the 21st century, and what impacts might
Does climate change have natural
causes and human causes?

The Earth's climate can be affected by natural

factors that are external to the climate system, such
as changes in volcanic activity, solar output, and the
Earth's orbit around the Sun

And climate change can also be caused by human

activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and the
conversion of land for forestry and agriculture.
What are the effects of
climate change?

Experts now predicted that global warming could

bring not only rising sea levels but unprecedented
droughts, storm floods, wildfires, and other
weather disasters.

Natural Causes: volcanic activity and

changes in solar radiation

Human Causes: The product of fossil fuel

combustion is carbon dioxide, a greenhouse
What are the effects of
climate change?

By 2010 impacts long predicted were turning

up, sooner than many had expected —
acidification of the oceans, unprecedented
deadly heat waves, record-breaking floods and
droughts, heat-related changes in the survival
of sensitive species.
What can be done?
The required changes span
technologies, behaviors, and policies
that encourage less waste and smarter
use of our resources.

- Kyoto Protocol – 1997

- Paris Agreement - 2015
- Improvements to energy efficiency
and vehicle fuel economy, increases
in wind and solar power, biofuels
from organic waste, setting a price
on carbon and protecting forests.
What can be done?

Restoring forests already chopped

down in Brazil, for example, could
draw about 1.5 billion metric tons of
CO2 out of the air.

Those are relatively modest

numbers given historic carbon
emissions of 2.2 trillion metric tons, but
every contribution is needed to curtail
the world’s current trajectory.
“The future depends on what you do in the
Mahatma Gandhi

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