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aspect of

“Be happy. It’s one way of being wise”

Psychological - refers to the workings of the mind.
It may even be inferred as the mental or intellectual
Mental – relating to mind, disposition.
The world health organization (WHO)
“A state of well-being in which the individual realizes his
or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of
Intellectual – is a person who likes to think, learn, and
discuss ideas. engages in critical thinking, research, and
reflection about the reality of society.
Is the capacity to acquire and utilize knowledge.
It reflects the ability of an individual to embrace
learning through experience and condition.
Intelligence does not only displays one’s
aptitude, potential and proficiency but it also
portrays ‘depth’ of an individual’s consciousness
and understanding of concept and realities as
well. It predominant ascertains the insights
possessed by a person. (American heritage dictionary)
As general stated in the study of
mental health, it is asserted that
“A sound mind is a product of a
sound body and a sound
environment.” Such implies the
role of the healthy body as well as
a supportive and conducive
What is “Stress”
Defined as a state of extreme difficulty,
pressure or strain.
It is understood as physical response to change
and basically considered as a normal part of
being alive.
Gatchel & Baum(1983)- stress is the process by
which the individuals respond to environment
and psychological events that perceived as
threatening or challenging.
Cause of stress
1. Problems
2. Test at school
3. Important decision
4. Heavy workload
5. Difficulty in communicating at school
6. Worry about financial problem
7. Poor health
8. Chronic illness
9. Nagging spouse
10.Changing in body shape(getting fat or skinny) Etc…
Positive effect of stress
 When stress helps one to cope with the change. It is also
called ‘eustress’
 Motivate an individual to perform at his best to meet a
challenge or even surpass his own limitation.
 Ready to meet challenges.
 Able to get along with others.
 You feel confident and content.

“You are handling the everyday stresses of family, work,

learning, and progressing in healthy way”.
Negative effect of stress “Distress”
 Unpleasantstress that interferes with one’s life and makes
one unhappy, dissatisfied and sick. Stressors are the cause of
 Often they result to illness, heart attacks, tuberculosis,
diabetes, leukemia and accidents.
 Unmotivated or hopeless.
 Difficulty eating or sleeping.
 Isolated from others
 Easily angered
 Exhausted (physically & emotionally)
 Worried, concerned, & insecure.
Level of stress
Green  If you feel tense
 If you feel confident  Concerned
 Content  Worried
 Ready to meet challenges  Insecure
 Able to get along with others  Difficulty connecting with
 Able to feel the spirit easily others
 Distracted from feeling the
This is the level people desire to
be in, but it is normal to fluctuate
It is normal to spend some time at
yellow level.
Level of stress
Orange Red
 If you feel exhausted  If you feel constantly overwhelmed.
(physically and emotionally)
 Isolated from others.
 Overwhelmed
 Hopeless
 Ill(upset stomach)  Difficulty eating or sleeping
 Easily angered normally.
 Deeply discouraged  Unable to continue.
 Difficulty feeling the spirit  Like you have been abandoned by
No one enjoys being at the orange
level of stress, but this doesn’t have If you are at this level, ask for help
to be permanent.
To identify the cause of our stress would mean understanding the
way we can cope with it.
Hans Selye (pioneering figure in the study of stress)

3 stages

 When an organism is threatened by some stressor, it prepares itself for

battle. Weather it’s physical or psychological, the body’s reaction is similar.
Heartbeat and blood pressure increase, muscles tense, sweating
increases, adrenalin production increase and organism attempts to meet the
challenge of the stressor.
Resistance stage Exhuastion stage
This is where a person’s ability to
Reached where people cope with stress declines to a point
prepare to fight the where the stressor is overwhelming.
Almost no one is able to maintain a
stressor, and they are normal existence under continue
generally able to cope high level of stress. If the stressor
with the stress. continue unabated, the resultant
Producing situation. stress lead ultimately to total
exhaustion and eventuality of
death(Feldman 1999).
Managing Stress Effectively
1. Stay healthy – During the periods of stress, be sure to eat right and get
enough sleep. Stress management takes energy.
2. Talk – just talking things out with another person can relieve stress. People
who aren’t directly involved can often see solutions to your problems that
you cannot.
3. Redirect – your body reacts to all stress by producing adrenaline, which
raises your energy level. Rechannel all that extra energy into something
4. Relax – Try managing yourself in a quiet, peaceful place, such as under a
tree by lake, as you relax try to empty your mind of troubling thoughts.
5. Laugh – Spend time with people who enjoy a good laugh. See a funny
movie alter an especially stressful day. Laughter relieves stress.
Coping with stress
1) Change your perceptions.
2) Alter your behavior.
3) Exercise or engage in sports.
4) Have a quiet time with yourself.
5) Search for more information and learning.
6) Relax
7) Turn to others
8) Think away stress
9) Utilize some defense mechanisms.
Defense mechanisms
1. Repression
2. Suppression
3. Displacement
4. Projection
5. Rationalization
6. Regression
7. Denial
8. fantasy

Snowie Barela
Donita Rose Castillo
Ceejay Boncodin
Deo Nacion

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