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Steve Paul Jobs

Emanuel Coy
Revolutionary in technology
• Born on 24 February 1955, San Francisco, California, United States.
• Father of the first personal computer and founder of Apple Computer.
• He was a great influencer of technological advancement in today's
His parents, two university students with no material means to support
him, gave little Steve up for adoption to the marriage formed by Paul
and Clara Jobs
At the age of twelve, he entered the Hewlett-Packard Explorer Club,
where company engineers taught children and young people the latest
creations in the field of computing.
His visionary ideas in the field of personal computers, digital music or
mobile telephony revolutionized the markets and the habits of millions
of people for more than three decades.
Apple is born
He joined his first partner, engineer Stephen Wozniak.
Apple I
• In 1974 Jobs was hired as a designer by Atari, a pioneer company in
the then nascent video game industry.
• In 1976 they created the first complete computer.
Apple ll

It became the first consumer computer Apple became the fastest

growing company in the United States. Three years later, Apple went
public with a price of $22 per share.

In 2007, it introduced the iPhone, the first of the family of high-end

smartphones produced by Apple. Declared "invention of the year" by
Time magazine
After his death in 2011 on October 5, due to pancreatic cancer detected
in 2003, the company continued with its projects, surprising us every
year with its launches of new devices (Airpods, new versions of the
ipad, iphone's and i mac's)

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