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18 Totally Inexcusable Breaches

Cell Phone Etiquette
1. Calling someone after they text you.

The Golden Rule: Do not call in response to a text message. This is the most
important rule. Why? Because if someone wants to talk to you on the phone
they’ll call you.

They will either get frustrated or ignore your call.

2. Not looking where you’re going while using your phone.
3. Taking forever to respond to a text.

The Rule of Response: Always respond, unless you don’t want to

be friends with that person anymore.
4. Constantly using your phone while having dinner/drinks/coffee
with someone.
5. Responding to a text with just “ok” or “k”

There are times when this is appropriate

(“Can you pick up dog food?”, “Can you
bring bread?”), but as a response to a nice
or long text? No.
“k” is NEVER an acceptable response.
6. Overusing group chats and texts.

• Group text with a bunch of random is

very annoying.

• The worst part is that the texts keep

coming and there’s no way of stopping

• Leaving the conversation might seem


• Only relevant texts should be done.

7. Playing games in public with the sound on.

The entire train does not need to hear you play

Candy Crush.
8. Going through someone’s pics without asking.
9. Talking on the phone the entire time
someone gives you a ride.

It’s probably best not to treat them like a cab driver.

10. Taking a call when watching TV with someone and
not leaving the room.

It’s a lot easier for you to move than it is for me to move

the TV, No?
11. Not putting your phone on vibrate.

There’s really no good reason to announce every news

alert, text, and call to the world.

This is especially annoying if ringtones are annoying.

12. Taking the phone out of someone’s hand
when they’re trying to show you a photo.
13. It’s perfectly OK to defy Sometimes it’s on point, but other
autocorrect when it’s being times it just feels like an annoying
dumb. friend who keeps finishing your
14. Don’t ever use the “I’m currently
typing…….ellipses” to wage psychological warfare.

If you start typing, FINISH TYPING!

16. The number of “ha”s you use speaks
volumes. Observe:
17. Make sure you know what emoticons mean
18. And when it comes to getting behind the

Because no text is worth a life.

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