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Regula – Falsi or False

Position Method

Prepared by: Yours Truly =)

Regula Falsi/False Position method is a very old
method for solving an equation with one
unknown, that in modified form, is still in use. In
simple terms, the method is trial and error
technique of using test ("false") values for the
variable and then adjusting the test value
according to the outcome. This is sometimes
also referred to as
"guess and check".
The concept:
In this method, we need to familiarize ourselves with
linear interpolation to get x. By doing so, we must
recall the concept of similar triangles:
Isolating the figure, we recall the application of
similar triangle:
Therefore, we can simply memorize the
Xn = XL + (XR – XL)[YL/(YL – YR)]
Example: Solve for x given the equation using the Regular Falsi/False
Position method.
e-x – x = 0

Use this table for convenience:

i XL XR f(xL) f(xR) Xn f(xn)


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