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There are many tell-tale signs that someone is

Filipino. The most obvious one being Citizenship
and Nationality. The most visual evidence is the
color of your skin and your physical features. These
are, of course, not the only evidences available to us.
• Jus Soli means you’re an automatic citizen if you were born
in the Philippines soil or territory.
• Jus Sanguini means you are a citizen if any of your parents is
a Filipino citizen on your birth date according to the
Philippine Nationality Law.
• Naturalization the judicial act of adopting a foreigner and
clothing him with the privileges of a native-born citizen. It
implies the renunciation of a former nationality and the fact of
entrance into a similar relation towards a new body politic.
• The right to travel with a Philippine passport;
• The right to own real property in the Philippines;
• The right to engage in business and commerce as a
• The right to practice one’s profession,
• You may also vote!!
According to Malay folklore, long ages ago the gods who dwelt upon
the earth shaped clay after their own image and baked it. In the first
trial they baked it too long and it came out burned—the Negro. They
tried again. This time they removed the clay too soon—the white man.
The third time they were successful; they produced just the right
product—the brown man.
1. Hospitality - Filipinos are known for their hospitality. They welcome
everyone in their homes.

2. Respect for Elders - Filipinos show their respect for elders by doing what
is known as mano to show said respect.

3. Family Oriented - The main motivation of every Filipino for working so

hard will always be their families.

4. Resilience - Instead of being cheerful, it is more accurate to say that

Filipinos are resilient. They smile through hardships and learn to get back up
after falling
5. Self-Sacrificing - Filipinos sacrifice their lives working a job they may or
may not like, to earn money for their families.

6. Bayanihan - A term used to describe the willingness of Filipinos to help

out their fellow Filipino

7. Bahala Na - Leaving everything up to God or “Bathala”

8. Mañana Habit - Spanish for Tomorrow, or a way to say Mamaya na,

either way, it’s procrastination

9. Ningas Kugon - The habit of starting things, that you end up not
10. Colonial Mentality - Patronizing foreign things, aesthetics over
anything local

11. Pride - Being fiercely proud of your heritage to a toxic degree

12. Crab Mentality - That habit of pulling others down when they are
succeeding and you’re not.
Damania Eugenio classifies Filipino proverbs into six categories:
1. expression of general attitude toward life and the laws that govern life
2. ethical proverbs recommending certain virtues and condemning certain
3. expression of a system of values
4. expression of general truths and observations about life and human nature
5. Humorous proverbs
6. Miscellaneous proverbs
Although they have no basis in Science, many weirdly
specific superstitions and practices do have equally weird and
specific origins. Often times, because these superstitions
involve supernatural causes, it’s only logical to think that
these are based on religion. Filipino superstitions are similar
in nature to other culture’s superstitions, but we have retold it
depending on our experiences.
Mythical tales and legends of the Philippines were created to
satisfy the curiosity of Filipino children. Many of today’s
youth never had the experience of hearing quaint but
fascinating explanations in the form of folklores and myths as
answers to their questions. The popular myths and legends of
the Philippines, which are kept alive to this day, as a way of
instilling moral values in the minds of the Filipino children.
We cannot address the major issues that challenge us like
illegal drugs, like plunder, like poverty, like good governance,
when we do not first address the simple things, from our
childhood all the way onwards. I remember the book “12
Little Things Every Filipino Can Do to Help Our Country” by
Alex Lacson and it may be time to make this a handbook for
all schools and students.
-Jose Ma. Montelibano, Daily Inquirer, 2019
1. Being Active
a. Vote, Participate in political discourse, exercise your rights.

2. Study History
a. Contrary to popular belief, history is actually very

3. Support Local
a. Supporting local businesses rather than imported goods is
good for the economy
4. Love the Language
a. Do not look at other people and think highly of them just
because they speak another language.

5. Be Civil and Responsible

a. Fake news. Civil response. Civil discourse.

Personal Identity - The interpersonal level of

self which differentiates the individual as
unique from others

Social Identity - The level of self whereby

the individual is identified by his or her
group membership.
The process of controlling how one is perceived by other
people. The internet has become such an integral part of a
person’s self- presentation and self-identity that it has
skewed the views, personalities, and the priorities of
teenagers. Society has become so desperate for approval
from strangers.
A crucial act in a relationship is the sharing of social media
passwords. The self is extended well into the digital sphere that
sharing the only form of security you have in the cyberworld with
your partner is an act of complete trust.
FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)
Social anxiety characterized by "a desire to stay continually connected with
what others are doing“

Online Disinhibition Effect

There is a misguided belief that the anonymity, invisibility, empathy deficit
provided by the internet allows the user to be their “true self”.

After all, on the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog. Confessing secrets and
faults can feel freeing. Through the perspective of the viewer, a therapeutic
and voyeuristic appeal to witnessing a public confession.
Gender and Sexuality Online

SEX - the presence or absence of a Y

chromosome, the type of gonads, the sex
hormones, the internal reproductive anatomy
(such as the uterus), and the external genitalia.

GENDER - Gender is a representation of how

you want to present yourself to the world. Rather
than a choice between dichotomy, Gender is a

SEXUALITY - Sexuality is wholly based on what

gender you’re attracted to.

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