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“ Teaching civic education ”

Member of group :
1. MARIA FLORENTINA S. 2113032042


3. PRITA ADINDA 2153032005

4. RANTIKA DEWANTI 2113032036

5. RATU KHAIRUNNISA 2113032001

6. SITI ROSLIYANA 2113032078

7. YENI YUSNITA 2153032008’

The definision of civic education and the development conditions of the 21st

A. Civic Education
Citizenship Education is an attempt to provide students with basic knowledge
and skills related to citizenship as well as preliminary education in order to
become citizens who can be relied upon by the nation, and form citizens who can
help in realizing the ideals of their country.

B. 21st century conditions

The 21st century is a century of culture and education which is marked by the
availability of easily accessible information, sophisticated technology, a rapidly
changing society, and high competitiveness.
Relationship Of Civic Education with The 21st Century in Fostering Learning
Conceptually in the 21st century, Civic Education is an educational
program that emphasizes the development of civic attitudes and
intellectuals. However, Civic Education still has the same concept,
psychologically, learning should be so that a citizen has civic
virtues, which in its development needs to be supported by the
Levelopment of other elements such as civic knowledge, civic
attitudes, civic Disposition, civic skills, civic commitment, civic
confidence, and civic competence.
The first competency in learning innovating skills is creative and
The second competency in learning and innovating skills is critical
thinking and problem solving.
The third competency in learning and innovating skills is
communation and collaboration.
The contribution of civics education in shaping the character of
the younger generation

Civic education as one of the important actors, needs to

introduce civic education materials that are associated with
the character values of a nation. For the progress of a
nation, there are several characters that become
benchmarks in character development for the younger
generation, namely:
1) Religious
2) Honest
3) Responsibility1.
4) Tolerance
5) Discipline
6) Hard work
7) Creative
8) Democratic
9) National spirit and love for the country
10) Environmental and social care
The Form Of Participation In Civic Lif

• voting
• volunteer
• Activism
• community participation
• Advocacy
The first thing we have to do to actively participate in
civic life is:

1. Education
To participate actively in civic life, it's important to stay informed about current issues.
Then we need to educate ourselves through books, news papers, and trusted news
websites. KEDUA KETIGA
2. Voting
exercising your right to vote is a fundamental way to participate in civic life. You can
register to vote and stay updated on election dates.

3. Join community organizations

be a member of a community that aligns with your interests; that way, you can work
together to fight for issues you care about.

4. Attend public meetings

public meetings provide a platform for citizens to express their opinions and concerns
directly to elected officials and policymakers.
Urgency of participation in life

1. Enhancing Democracy
2. Creating Social Cohesion
3. Encourage Political Accountability
4. Encourage Active Citizenship
5. Building a Strong Community
6. Shaping Public Policy
The School Experience Of Teenagers

Entering a transitional age is indeed something that every human

being goes through, 10-12 years old elementary school grade 6
Elementary school period where you already know the right and
wrong of an action, but. Period 13-15 years The period of identity
search in entering the junior high school phase where the identity
begins to form, always wants to try new things,. Period 15-20 high
school where the transition to adulthood. A period of self-discovery,
where do we want to go? What do we need? And what should we do
to improve our abilities?
Thank you

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