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What will I learn this week?

Designing concept maps!

Objective: To construct a concept map that
answers the question, “Drugs are any
substances when taken can affect how the
body and brain works. What are the
consequences of drug abuse?”
Steps to success: Students are able to
construct a concept map that clearly
visualizes the concepts, arrows and linking
Activity 1: 1. Read page 5 – 17 of your
10 minutes
2. Make sure you note down
any important keywords
But what are concept maps?
Visual representation of information
The key step is to focus on the ways concepts
are linked to each other
So, how can we do concept maps?
Step 1: Identifying keywords

Keywords are the main idea or concept or

topic that define what your content is about
Step 2: What’s the aim of the concept map?

Refer to the question or the aim to help you

design your concept map
Question: how to Greg mom Chocolate
chip cookies
make chocolate chocolate chips
chip cookies batter

baking sheet

Highlight oven

30 minutes
Step 3: Using keywords to design concept map

Making cookies
Highlighted are

Keywords how?
Greg chocolate chips
chip cookies
mom into
Chocolate chip cookies by adds batter balls
form into
chocolate chips Greg onto
batter with
baking sheet
balls mom oven put in
baking sheet
30 minutes
30 minutes
Any questions?
Your task is to design a
concept map that answers
Activity 2:
this question: “What are the
(Individual) consequences of drug
20 – 30 minutes abuse?”. I have started for
you. You can add the rest
with at least 10 keywords.
Pair up.
Compare your concept maps.
Activity 3: - Is the same?
- How different is it?
Pair up
- Are the keywords linking?
- Did your friend forget

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