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Using appropriate diagrams, explain two (2) types of the government

Tax revenue Non-tax revenue
• Collected based on laws that have • Non-tax revenue is the revenue from
been approved by the Parliament non-tax revenue.
• The major portion of the revenue is • Revenues not generated from tax
from taxes • Non-tax revenue includes revenue
• Tax is a compulsory contribution by from government services, fees for
an individual or a firm to the issue of license and permit.
government to be used in the • Sales of government assets, rental of
common interest of all government investments, fixes, fees
• Tax is a contribution to the revenue and penalties, contributions from
of the government so that the foreign government and international
government can provide the agencies
necessary administrative services to • Cash royalty from petroleum and gas
govern the country.
• There are two types of taxes, namely
direct taxes and indirect taxes

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