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Why visit one?!

• A museum (/mjuːˈziːəm/ mew-ZEE-əm; plural museums or, rarely,
musea) is a building or institution that cares for and displays a
collection of artifacts and other objects of artistic, cultural, historical,
or scientific importance.

National Museum of African

American History and Culture,
Washington, D.C., United

Anne Frank House, Amsterdam,

Grand Egyptian Netherlands
Museum, Cairo, Egypt
Why visit a museum? - pros
• See unique things
• To far to travel to them – natural
wonders, planets, places
• No longer existing – extinct
• Master pieces of art
• Learn
More reasons why.
• Museums make you feel good - recent study finds that people are happier when
they spend money on experiences rather than material purchases.
• Museums make you smarter - Museum exhibits inspire interest in an area of study,
item, time period, or an idea–.
• Museums provide an effective way of learning Museums are examples of
informal learning environments, which means they are devoted primarily to
informal education
• Museums are a lot more than collections of artifacts; they allow you to meet with
neighbors, discuss thoughts and opinions, and become an active part of the
• Museums inspire Museums provide inspiration through personal connections with
visitors, and not only on-site and through physical community outreach efforts.
Some reasons why.
• Museums help bring change and development to communities - Research has
uncovered that creating community involvement is more about location than the activity
at hand, and this kind of location-based learning (like the kind utilized in museums) is a
trigger for change and development within the community, as museums are functioning
more and more like community centers.
• Museums are a great way to spend time with friends and family - Museums provide a
great excuse to spend time with friends and family in a positive way
• A museum may be your next community partner or business endeavor
• Museums need your support in order to keep educating and inspiring people Many
museums are nonprofit entities with missions to educate and inspire audiences – and
that means that they need the support of visitors, members, and donors in order to keep
on fulfilling those missions.
• There is a museum close to you
Few reasons why not!
• There is a price to pay to visit and it may
range from few lei du tens of euro
• It usually an indoor space and prevent
you from spending time in the fresh air
• It might make you spend les time with
your friends
• Some of them are very strange
There is a limited number of
museums near by and you
should travel thousands km far
to visit famous ones
Don’t visit Visit

Learn and
become smarter

expensive Spend fun time

with family

Develop, Contribute
Evolve by Get Expand
become to
learning inspired your mind
smarter community
Some odd museums

British Lawnmower Museum, England The Dog Collar Museum, England.

Siriraj Medical Museum (Museum of Death), Thailand

Beijing Tap Water Museum, China

Vent Haven Ventriloquist Museum

Momofuku Ando Instant Ramen Museum, Japan

Museum of the Weird Iceland Phallological

Museum, Iceland

Visit a museum whenever

you have the opportunity no
mater how odd the subjet
might seem

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