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The need for Test Automation

Garousi, V., & Elberzhager, F. (2017). Test automation: Not just for test execution. IEEE Software,
34(2), 90-96.

Presented by:
Mohandass Chinnu & Nandakumar Nithya
Summary of the Article
Garousi and Elberzhager (2017) conducted an analysis on the potential expansion of test
automation beyond the commonly emphasized test execution phase within organizations.
They recognized the growing importance of automated testing due to factors such as Agile
processes, continuous integration development, and the demand for rapid and cost-
effective product delivery.
The authors divided the testing process into various stages and assessed the extent to
which each stage could or was already benefiting from full test automation. They stressed
that the feasibility of achieving full test automation hinges on how preceding tests are
executed, highlighting the need for a meticulous approach to automation to ensure its
Automation Testing Activities
 Test-case design: The success of test automation relies on the quality of the test case design.
 Test scripting: This stage involves the creation of test scripts, which can be either manual
test scripts or automated test suites.
 Testexecution: This is the phase where test scripts are executed. Many companies already
employ test automation for this stage.
 Test evaluation: It involves assessing the outcomes of test executions.
 Test-result reporting: This phase entails sending test results and identified defects to
developers for resolution.
 Test management and other test engineering activities: This encompasses activities like
test case minimization, selection of regression tests, and test repair.
Answer the question
1.Define automated testing?

Garousi and Elberzhager (2017) assert that test automation involves using automated tools to create and run test

code scripts, evaluating Software Under Test (SUT) behaviours without human intervention. They recommend

broadening the definition of test automation beyond test execution, especially for industrial testers.

2. State the benefits of automated testing?

 Automation can improve repeatability and decrease test costs as well as time if planned
and executed properly.
 Automated testing considerable reduce the time for testing process.
 Automated testing helps test engineers to work more efficiently and effectively.
Which Test Activities can/cannot Automated
Test Activities Can Automated Cannot Automated
Test case design Criteria based test case design can be fully automated. Human knowledge-based test case design, mostly
referred to as exploratory testing can be done fully
Test scripting It can also be done manually, in a partially automated Manual test script in variety of format can be
manner, or in a fully automated way. The output of test produced.
scripting activity is automated test suites.

Test Execution This step depends on how the scripting process is done. If If scripting done completely manually in various
scripting is done by automated way that test suites can be format that need to be consider for execution.
used for execution.
Test Evaluation Three types of evaluation can be done based on the Human tester judgment over the outcome is
process. Making verification points in the test code or completely manual test evaluation process.
making intelligence coding like incorporating ML or AI in
the process are completely automated.

Test-result reporting It can be automated to some extend using framework and This is mainly a manual process of sending bug report
techniques to send bug report. to the developers.

Test management and There are automation tools available for test set Even though there are some test management tools
other test engineering minimization, regression test selection, etc. available but there is not test repair tools in industrial
activities use.
Thank You

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