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M y dayli routine
• I get up at 7am in the morning, first I wash myself
completely and then I have breakfast. Afterwards
I'm going to study because my classes start at
8:30am and end at 1pm and I have to leave much
earlier since I'm from Cañete.
• I have lunch in front of the university at 1
o'clock, since then at 2 o'clock my classes still
continue and
finish or culminate completely at 7:20 pm. After
that I went back to Cañete taking buz and arriving
home at 9:15. At that time I take my pet for a 30-
minute walk and then when I return, being
completely home, my sister saves my dinner for
me and I watch Netflix until 11 o'clock since then I
go to brush my teeth and wash my face before
leaving. go to bed, since the next day I have to
work very early with my uncle at his place.

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