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Lesson 2

To develop pre-reading To enhance brainstorming
techniques and prediction and idea expansion through
skills. mind mapping.

To practice descriptive and To improve peer review and

persuasive writing. feedback skills.
Watch the video:
Answer the questions:
1. How early can signs of internet addiction disorder
manifest in toddlers, and what are the most common
2. What are the potential long-term consequences of
internet addiction disorder on a toddler's cognitive,
social, and emotional development?
3. In what ways does excessive screen time during
toddlerhood impact a child's ability to form
meaningful real-world relationships?
enslaved - /ɪnˈsleɪv/ - verb

 None are more hopelessly enslaved than

those who falsely believe they are free.
 We are increasingly enslaved by technology.

 Do they have control over their own life and decisions?

 Are they forced to work without having a choice?

enthral -/ɪnˈθrɔːl/ - verb

 The audience was enthralled for two hours by

a sparkling, dramatic performance.

 If a story completely captures your attention, are you

likely to be bored or captivated ?
 Do they tend to ignore the view they're looking at, or do
they look at it with great interest?
infantilize - /ɪnˈfæn.tɪ.laɪz/
- verb

 He argues that giving money to the poor infantilizes them

and stops them from helping themselves.

 Is he/she a child or an adult ?

 Are we treating him more like a grown-up or a
child ?
stupefy - /ˈstjuː.pɪ.faɪ/ -verb

1.What is the main argument presented in the passage regarding the impact of technology on human
2.How does the author feel about the influence of technology, and what evidence from the passage
supports this sentiment?
3.What shocking example does the author provide to illustrate the potentially harmful effects of
excessive online engagement?
4.What does the author suggest is the broader concern beyond gaming addiction when it comes to living
Imagine you are tasked with describing a scene that vividly
portrays the contrast between the digital world and the physical
world. Draw inspiration from the ideas presented in the passage
"Empty Promises." Consider the isolating effects of digital
dependency and how it.
Additional Guidance:

1.Begin by creating a strong opening sentence that hooks the reader's attention and sets the
tone for your description.
2.Use sensory details (sight, sound, touch, etc.) to paint a vivid picture of the scene.
Engage the reader's senses to create a clear mental image.
3.Consider the emotions and feelings associated with the scene. How does it make you
feel? How might others perceive it?
4.Pay attention to the contrast between the digital and physical worlds. Highlight specific
elements that emphasize this divide.
5.Aim for clarity and coherence in your writing. Ensure that your ideas flow smoothly from
one sentence to the next.

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