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 The healthcare system in Ghana is confronted with

the formidable task of improving and guaranteeing
the health and well- being of the Ghanaian people.
The health system has the responsibility of
combating illnesses associated with poverty and lack
of education at the same time, it has to deal with
growing population and inadequate funding.

The private health sector refers to health care

services providers that are neither owned nor
directly controlled by the government.
They can be classified into sub categories as; for
profit, not for profit, formal and informal, domestic
and international.

The private health care sector is made up of

hospitals, and clinics, which run independently of
the National Health Service (NHS).
They are normally run by a commercial company,
although some may be run by charities or other non-
profit organizations.

The private sector provides a mix of goods and

services including: direction provision of health
services, medicines and medical products, financial
products, training for the health workforce,
information technology, infrastructure and support
Owned by government HEALTHCARE
Owned by an individual
The purpose is not just to or private co operation.
earn profits Activities are guided by
the motive to earn profit.
This sector focuses on This sector focusues on

serving the general constructing a brand

people of the country. image.

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