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Objek IPA dan

I Pengamatannya
Object of Natural Science and Observation

A. Penyelidikan IPA
B. Pengukuran sebagai
Bagian dari Pengamatan

A. Research of Natural
B. Measurement as a
Part of Observation
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A. Penyelidikan IPA

1. Keterampilan Proses dalam IPA

2. Sikap Ilmiah

A. Research of Natural Science

1. Process Skills in Natural Science

2. Scientific Attitude

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1. Keterampilan Proses dalam IPA
1. Process Skills in Natural Science

a. Keterampilan Proses Sains Dasar

a. Basic Process Skills in Natural Science

• Keterampilan Mengamati • Observing Skills

• Keterampilan • Grouping/Classifying
Mengelompokkan/Mengklasifikasi Skills
• Keterampilan Memprediksi • Predicting Skills
• Keterampilan Menyimpulkan • Inferring Skills
(Membuat Inferensi) (Making Inferences)
• Keterampilan Mengomunikasikan • Communicating Skills

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1. Keterampilan Proses dalam IPA
1. Process Skills in Natural Science
b. Keterampilan Proses Sains Terintegrasi
b. Integrated Process Skills in Natural Science

• Merumuskan Masalah • Formulating Problems

• Mengidentifikasi Variabel • Identifying Variables
• Mendeskripsikan Hubungan • Describing the Corelations
Antarvariabel Between Variables
• Mengendalikan Variabel • Controlling Variables
• Mendefinisikan Variabel secara • Defining Variables
Operasional Operationally
• Memperoleh dan Menyajikan • Obtaining and Presenting
Data Data
• Menganalisis Data • Analysing Data
• Merumuskan Hipotesis • Formulating Hypotheses
• Merancang Penelitian • Designing Research
• Melakukan Penyelidikan atau • Conducting Investigations or
Percobaan Experiments
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2. Sikap Ilmiah (Scientific Attitude)

 Mampu Membedakan  Mau Bekerja Sama

Opini dan Fakta  Terbuka dan Fleksibel
 Berani Mencoba  Bertanggung Jawab
 Jujur  Ulet dan Gigih
 Teliti  Mensyukur Karunia
 Selalu Ingin Tahu Tuhan
 Objektif  Able to Work in a
 Able to Distinguish Group
between Opinions and  Open and Flexible
Facts  Responsible
 Dare to try  Tenacious and
 Honest Persistent
 Thorough  Grateful for God's
 Always Curious Grace
 Objective
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B. Pengukuran sebagai Bagian dari Pengamatan
B. Measurement as a Part of Observation

1. Pengukuran
2. Besaran Pokok
3. Besaran Turunan
4.Besaran Vektor dan Skalar

1. Measurement
2. Base Quantity
3. Derived Quantity
4. Vector and Scalar Quantities

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1. Pengukuran
Pengukuran what we
Satuan Baku dan Tidak Baku
Measurement learn
Standard and Nonstandard Units

Mengukur adalah Pengukuran Langsung dan Tidak

membandingkan suatu Langsung
besaran yang diukur Direct and Indirect Measurements
dengan besaran sejenis
yang dipakai sebagai Kesalahan dalam Pengukuran
satuan. Error in Measurement
Measuring is comparing
a quantity that is Ketelitian dan Keselamatan Kerja
measured with a similar Work Accuracy and Safety
quantity being used as a

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a. Satuan Baku dan Tidak Baku
a. Standard Unit and Nonstandard Unit

mencakup Satuan Tidak

includes Baku

Satuan adalah
Satuan Baku
standar ukuran Standard Unit
dari suatu
Unit is a
measure of a

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b. Pengukuran Langsung dan Tidak Langsung
b. Direct and Indirect Measurements
Pengukuran Langsung dan Tidak Langsung
Direct and Indirect Measurements

Pengukuran Langsung Pengukuran Tidak Langsung

Indirect Measurement
Direct Measurement
adalah definition adalah definition
Pengukuran Measurements are Pengukuran yang Measurements that
menggunakan alat being conducted using membutuhkan require a minimum
ukur sehingga bisa measuring devices so proses minimal dua two-step process to
diperoleh hasil that measurement langkah untuk find out the results
pengukuran results can be mengetahui hasil being measured.
secara langsung. obtained directly. yang diukur. For example
contohnya For example contohnya
Mengukur lingkar Measuring the
Mengukur lingkar Measuring the circumference of a tree
pohon dengan
pohon dengan circumference of a by winding the rope,
melilitkan tali, lalu
menggunakan tree using a tape then the length of the
panjang tali diukur
meteran. measure. rope is measured with
dengan penggaris.
a ruler.
c. Kesalahan dalam Pengukuran
c. Error in Measurement

Kesalahan Sistematis
Systematic Error

Kesalahan dalam
Error in
Measurement Kesalahan acak
Random error

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c. Kesalahan dalam Pengukuran
c. Error in Measurement

Kesalahan Sistematis
Systematic Error

Type of systematic Definition Example


Instrument Error Measurement errors that occur due • calibration error

to the instrument used • the zero value pointer shifts from the true zero
• the spring on the spring balance weakens so
that the indication of the numbers by the needle
becomes inaccurate

Human error Measurement errors that occur due parallax error, i.e. an error reading an analog scale
to not knowing the correct at the wrong angle
measurement method

Environment error Measurement errors that occur due error occurred when there is a difference in
to the differences in the environment temperature, pressure, air humidity, or acceleration
and the calibration time of the tool, of gravity with the condition of the calibration time
causing errors

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c. Kesalahan dalam Pengukuran
c. Error in Measurement Kesalahan acak adalah kesalahan
yang terjadi karena kondisi
lingkungan yang tidak menentu
sehingga mengganggu kerja alat ukur.
Sebagai contoh gerak Brown pada
Kesalahan acak molekul udara, fluktuasi (naik-
Random error turunnya) tegangan listrik, dan derau
(noise) elektronik yang bersifat acak
dan sukar dikendalikan

Random error is an error that occurs

due to uncertain environmental
conditions that interfere with the work
of the measuring instrument. For
example, Brownian motion in air
molecules, fluctuations (rising and
falling) of electric voltage, and
electronic noise (noise) which are
random and difficult to control.

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d. Ketelitian dan Keselamatan Kerja
d. Work Accuracy and Safety Ketelitian pengukuran di berbagai
bidang berperan penting dalam
menjamin keselamatan dan
kesejahteraan manusia, contohnya
ketelitian perhitungan dan
Ketelitian dan Keselamatan Kerja pengukuran seorang teknik sipil
Work Accuracy and Safety untuk mendirikan sebuah bangunan
serta ketelitian dan keselamatan
kerja di laboratorium sekolah.

Measurement accuracy in various

fields plays an important role in
ensuring human safety and welfare,
for example the accuracy of
calculations and measurements of a
civil engineer to construct a building
as well as the accuracy and safety of
work in a school laboratory.

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2. Besaran Pokok
2. Base Unit
mistar, jangka sorong, dan
mikrometer sekrup
Besaran Pokok
ruler, caliper, and screw
Base Unit
neraca Ohauss dan
timbangan duduk
Ohauss balance and sitting

Jam pendulum, stopwatch,

dan jam atom
Pendulum clock, stopwatch
and atomic clock

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How to read Vernier Calipers

Pay attention to the measurement results

above. How to read a caliper to see the
measurement results only takes two reading
1. Read the main scale: See the picture above,
21 mm or 2.1 cm (red line) is the number
closest to the zero line on the vernier scale to
the right. So, the main scale that is measured
is 21mm or 2.1 cm.
2. Read the vernier scale: Look at the picture
above carefully, there is one line on the main
scale that meets exactly one line on the
vernier scale. In the picture above, the
straight line is number 3 on the Vernier scale.
So, the measured vernier scale is 0.3 mm or
0.03 cm.
To get the final measurement result, add the
two measurement values ​above. So that the
measurement results above are 21 mm + 0.3
mm = 21.3 mm or 2.13 cm.

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How to Read a Screw Micrometer
The screw micrometer reading is carried out in
two parts, namely on the main scale and on
the Nonius or Vernier scale. The main scale
can be read on the sleeve and nonius scale
can be read in the thimble section.
In the measurement example above, how
to read the screw micrometer is:
■ For the main scale, it can be seen that the
thimble has passed the number "5" at the
top, and at the bottom the horizontal line
has crossed 1 strip. 0.5 mm. That is, in this
section the measurement results are 5 + 0.5
mm = 5.5 mm. Measurements can also be
made on the principle that every 1 strip
indicates a distance of 0.5 mm. Since 5 strips
have passed above the horizontal line and 6
strips below the horizontal line, the total
distance is (5+6) x 0.5 mm = 5.5 mm
■ In the second part, you can see the
horizontal line on the main scale with the
number 28 on the vernier scale. That is, on
the vernier scale, an extra length of 0.28 mm
Maka, hasil akhir pengukuran mikrometer is obtained.
sekrup pada contoh ini adalah 5.5 + 0.28 = 5.78
Thus, the final result for measuring the
micrometer screw in this example is 5.5 +
0.28 = 5.78 mm.
3. Besaran Turunan
3. Derived Unit

Besaran Turunan
Derived Unit

 Volume mengukur
 Konsentrasi benda yang
 Laju Pertumbuhan bentuknya
 Frekuensi Denyut tidak teratur
 Produktivitas Lahan How to
Pertanian measure an
 Wide irregularly
 Volume
shaped object
 Concentration
 Growth rate
 Pulse Frequency
 Agricultural Land

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4. Besaran Vektor dan Skalar
4. Vector and Scalar Unit
Besaran Vektor dan Besaran Skalar
Vector and Scalar Unit

Besaran Vektor Besaran Skalar

Vector Unit Scalar Unit

Besaran yang mempunyai nilai Besaran yang hanya mempunyai nilai

(besar) dan arah. Contohnya (besar), tetapi tidak mempunyai arah.
yaitu perpindahan, kecepatan, Contohnya yaitu volume, massa, waktu,
gaya, dan percepatan. dan jarak.
A quantity that has magnitude A quantity that only has magnitude
(magnitude) and direction. For (magnitude), but has no direction. For
example, displacement, velocity, example, volume, mass, time, and
force, and acceleration. distance.

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Example of exercises

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