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Inisiasi Tuton ke-2

Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris Niaga
Program Studi Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis
Fakultas Hukum, Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Penulis: Gita Hilmi Prakoso, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Penelaah: Adisthy Shabrina NQ. B.A.(Hons)., M.Sc
What Is Demand?

Demand is an economic concept that relates to a consumer's desire to

purchase goods and services and willingness to pay a specific price for
them. An increase in the price of a good or service tends to decrease the
quantity demanded. Likewise, a decrease in the price of a good or service
will increase the quantity demanded.
Key Takeaways

• The law of demand concerns consumers' changing desire to purchase

goods and services at given prices.
• Demand can refer to either market demand for a specific good or
aggregate demand for the total of all goods in an economy.
• Demand and supply determine the actual prices of goods and the volume
that changes hands in a market.
• Businesses study demand to price products to meet demand and generate
• The demand curve demonstrates visually how the decreasing price for a
product increases the quantity purchased.
Determinants of Demand

There are five main factors that drive demand:

• Product/service price
• Buyer's income
• Prices of substitute goods
• Consumer preferences
• Consumer expectations for a change in price
The Law of Demand

• The law of demand states that when prices rise, demand will fall. When
prices fall, demand will rise.
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