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Answer will always be cannot be determined

Finding Roots quickly

using Coefficients a, b ,c
Finding the Roots
Method 1 : start by looking at sign of
• If sign of “b” is “+ve” then change the signs of both “b” and “c” to predict
the signs of roots.
• If sign of “b” is “-ve” then change the signs of only “b” to predict the signs
of roots.
• After factoring allot the larger factor to as 1st root and smaller as 2nd (keep
proper sign in mind)

Sign of “b” is +ve  change sign of both “b” and “c” so sign
of 1st and 2nd root will be (- , -)
Sign of “b” is +ve  change sign of both “b” and “c” so sign
of 1st and 2nd root will be (- , -)
Think of two numbers whose product is (1 x 96 =96) and
their sum is 20 (SUM because sign of “c” is +ve )
Two numbers are 12 and 8 , considering the signs and
allotting bigger number to b , we get two roots as
(-12/1 and -8/1) (-12, -8)
Sign of “b” is -ve  change sign of only “b” and let the sign
of “c” remain as it is (+ve) so sign of 1st and 2nd root will be (+
, +)
Think of two numbers whose product is (1 x 84 =84) and
their sum is 19 (SUM because sign of “c” is +ve )
Two numbers are 12 and 7, considering the signs and
allotting bigger number to b , we get two roots as
(+12/1 and +7/1) (12, 7)
Sign of “b” is -ve  change sign of only “b” and let the sign
of “c” remain as it is (-ve) so sign of 1st and 2nd root will be
(+ , -)
Think of two numbers whose product is (1 x 96=96) and their
difference is 20(DIFFERENCE because sign of “c” is -ve )
Two numbers are 24 and 4, considering the signs and allotting
bigger number to b , we get two roots as
(+24/1 and -4/1) (24 , -4)
Sign of “b” is +ve  change sign of both “b” and “c” so sign
of 1st and 2nd root will be (- , +)

Think of two numbers whose product is (1 x 84=84) and their

difference is 25(DIFFERENCE because sign of “c” is -ve )
Two numbers are 28 and 3, considering the signs and allotting
bigger number to b , we get two roots as
(-28/1 and +3/1) (-28, 3)
Sign of “b” is +ve  change sign of both “b” and “c” so sign
of 1st and 2nd root will be (- , -)

Think of two numbers whose product is (1 x 168=168) and

their sum is 26(SUM because sign of “c” is +ve)
Two numbers are 28 and 3, considering the signs and allotting
bigger number to b , we get two roots as
(-28/1 and +3/1) (-28, 3)

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