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4BCS605 - Artificial

• An agent is anything that can be viewed as perceiving its environment
through sensors and acting upon that environment through effectors.
• A human agent has eyes, ears, and other organs for sensors, and hands, legs,
mouth, and other body parts for effectors.
• A robotic agent substitutes cameras and infrared range finders for the
sensors and various motors for the effectors.
• A software agent has encoded bit strings as its percepts and actions. A
generic agent is diagrammed in Figure 2.1.
An Agent
• ‘Anything’ that can gather information about its
environment and take action based on that information.
Agents and Environment:
• An agent is the core component in the study of
intelligent systems.
• It can be a physical entity like a robot or a software
program that exists in a digital environment.
• The agent interacts with its environment, which consists
of everything outside the agent that can be perceived and
acted upon.
• The environment includes objects, other agents, and any
relevant data or information.
Autonomous Delivery Robot
Imagine an autonomous delivery robot used by an online retailer to
deliver packages to customers' homes. In this scenario:
The agent in this case is the autonomous delivery robot itself. It is
a physical entity equipped with various sensors, cameras, wheels
for movement, and a computer system for processing data and
making decisions. The robot's primary function is to deliver
packages from a distribution center to customers' homes.
The environment for the robot is the physical world it operates in. It
• The streets and sidewalks it navigates.
• Other objects, such as buildings, vehicles, pedestrians, and
traffic signs.
• Customers' homes, where it needs to make deliveries.
• Weather conditions, which can impact its operation.
• The robot's sensors and cameras serve as its means of perception (the
various sensory mechanisms or devices that an intelligent agent uses
to gather information about its environment).
• These means of perception enable an agent to sense, understand, and
interact with its surroundings.
• It constantly collects data from its surroundings, including:

1. Images and video feeds to identify obstacles, pedestrians, and other

2. Lidar (light detection and ranging) data for 3D mapping and obstacle
3. GPS for determining its position.
4. Infrared sensors for object detection in low light conditions.
Reasoning and Decision-Making:
Inside the robot's computer system, there is a reasoning
module responsible for processing the data it collects. This
module uses various algorithms to make decisions, including:
1. Route planning: The robot plans its path from the
distribution center to the customer's home, taking into
account traffic conditions, road closures, and the optimal
2. Obstacle avoidance: It analyzes sensor data to avoid
collisions with objects and pedestrians.
3. Decision to deliver: Based on GPS coordinates and
customer information, the robot decides when and where to
make deliveries.
The actions of the robot include physical movements and interactions
with the environment, such as:
1.Moving its wheels and adjusting its speed to follow the planned
2.Stopping at crosswalks and obeying traffic signals.
3.Navigating around obstacles or rerouting in case of roadblocks.
4.Approaching the customer's home and delivering the package
to the designated location.

Feedback and Learning:

1. The robot may also have mechanisms for learning and improving
its performance over time.
2. For example, it could learn from past delivery experiences to
optimize its routes, improve obstacle avoidance, and enhance its
overall efficiency.

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