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What is Soft Skill

The way you speak to a customer, in terms of

Definition the language you use, your tone of voice and

clarity are also important and often referred
to as the ‘soft skills.’
Phone Manners

• The way you speak to a customer, in terms of the

language you use,
• your tone of voice and clarity are also important
and often referred
• to as the ‘soft skills.’
To create excellent relationship with customer

 আমি আন্তরিক ভাবে দুঃখিত

Phrases that helps to build relationship:
 অনুগ্রহ করে…
 কিভাবে সহযোগিতা করতে পারি?
 আমি আপনার সমস্যা বুঝতে পারছি
Positively  আমি আপনার সাথে একমত
 আপনার কথা সঠিক..
 ধন্যবাদ
Don’t Say & Do Say

ধন্যবাদ, আমি চেক করে দেখছি

আমি জানি না
সম্ভব হলে আমার খুবই ভালো লাগতো
আমি পারবো না
অনুগ্রহ করে সাথে থাকু ন, বিষয় টি চেক করছি
লাইনে থাকু ন
যা করা যেতে পারে
আপনাকে যা করতে হবে
আমি কি আপনাকে বুঝাতে পেরেছি
আপনি কি আমার কথা বুঝেন না
বর্ত মান সু্যোগ টি নেই, থাকলে অবশ্যই করে দিতাম
যেটা নিয়ম সেটাই মেনে নিতে হবে
সুযোগ দিলে বিষয়টি বুঝিয়ে বলতাম
আমাকে বলতে দিন
ক্ষমা করবেন, প্রয়োজনের চেয়ে একটু বেশি সময় নিচ্ছি
তাড়াতাড়ি দেয়া সম্ভব না
Magical Words

 আমি আপনার সাথে সম্পূর্ণ ভাবে একমত।

 আমি বুঝতে পারছি। বিষয়টা খুবই দুঃখজনক।
 স্যার , অনুগ্রহ করে সমস্যা টা আমাকে বিস্তারিত বলুন। আমি অবশ্যই সমস্যা টা সমাধানের
বিষয়ে আপনাকে সহযোগিতা করবো- probing for a problem
 কষ্ট করে বিষয় টি সম্পর্কে আমাদের (জানানোর/ অবহিত করার) জন্য ধন্যবাদ। আমরা অবশ্যই
বিষয়টি গুরুত্বের সাথে বিবেচনা করবো।
 অনুগ্রহ করে আমাকে বিষয়টি বুঝিয়ে বলার সুযোগ দিন – for extreme angry
Way to success

Category Don’t Do’s

• স্যার , আপনার মত অনেকে লাইনে স্যার স্যরি , অনেকক্ষন লাইনে থাকেতে হয়েছে। আমাকে
ছিলো । •
Waiting Time জি বলেন কিভাবে সহযোগীতা করতে আপনার সমস্যাটি বলুন , এখনি / খুব দ্রুত সমাধান করে
• দিচ্ছি ।
পারি ?
•Accept Our fault & then say sorry.
•Show proper empathy from your tonality.
•দুঃক্ষিত স্যার আপনাকে কয়েকবার ফোন করতে হয়েছ। আমি আপনার
সমস্যাটি High Priority দিয়ে দেখছি যাতে ভবিষ্যতে এই সমস্যাটি আর
না হয়।-------Customer called Several Times
System interruption
• Need to hear the reason of call properly then say
sorry based on call situation
• আমাদের সমস্যার জন্য আপনাকে সাময়িক অসুবিধার
সম্মুখীন হতে হচ্ছে বলে আমরা আন্তরিক ভাবে দুঃখিত
Best Practices

Repeated call

• Show proper Empathy and Talk as much softly

depends on customers anger level
• স্যার,আমার খুবই খারাপ লাগছে এটা জেনে যে, আপনাকে
একাধিক বার ফোন করতে হয়েছ।আমি আপনার সমস্যাটি
High Priority দিয়ে দেখছি যাতে ভবিষ্যতে এই সমস্যাটি
আর না হয়।
Focus Towards Enhance Customer Satisfaction

Active listening Feel the pain Explain

Apology Tonality Humble

Proactive Solution Follow up

Mistakes in Call
Reflection of Rudeness

• Was there any reflection of rudeness in agent's approach /


Co operative Approach

• Was the agent helpful to meet with customer's requirement?


• Was hurriedness / avoiding tendency reflected in conversation?

Hold Procedures

• Did the agent utilize proper hold / transfer procedure?

Golden Rules of Service & Soft Skills:

customer • the customer is always right!

• every transaction is unique
experience • customizing to deliver premium service

• tone of voice & its variance

• helpful attitude & being responsible
soft skills •

positive & co operative approach
• enthusiasm
Telephone Techniques Cont.

Avoiding Excuses.

“I am not that department”
“I am new here”
“I was not present that day”
“Sorry can not help, system is not working”.

Avoiding Mouth Noises.

Avoid mouth noises. When you are on the phone, do not:
Smoke or chew gum
How to offer Great Customer Service

TEN COMMANDMENTS for Great Customer Service:

• Know who is the boss

• Be a good listener.

• Identify and anticipate need.

• Make customers feel important and appreciated.

• Help customers understand your system.

• Appreciate the power of "Yes".

• Know how to apologize

• Give more than expected.

• Get regular feedback

Proactive Customer Service

Tools for Pro activeness

– Be obviously friendly.
– Be confident.
– Build rapport.
– Ask "smiling" questions.
– Assure them again that you can help.
– Ask intelligent follow-up question.
What makes a great Customer Service?
• F: be Friendly and courteous

• A: use Active Listening skills

Just the FACTS, please!
• C: stay Calm (even when the caller is
A Call Center Agent’s professionalism not)
can be defined by five key factors,
using the acronym FACTS. • T: use a pleasant Tone of Voice

• S: use a Smooth Transition to avoid

dead air
The FACTS Skills
Be Friendly and Courteous, and Tone of Voice is hugely important!
always maintain a professional It reflects your willingness to assist
manner/behavior. each caller. And remember: the
way you conduct yourself has a
Actively Listen to everything direct impact on our customers,
the caller is saying and how you and your coworkers.
they are saying it.
Smooth Transitions are short
Stay Calm, especially when the phrases that will help you when
caller becomes frustrated or you’re feeling stuck. A transitional
angry. If you maintain a calm phrase is always better than a long
approach, eventually, the stretch of dead air.
caller’s frustration level will
subside, and he or she will
match your tone.
Sympathy or Empathy?
Sympathy involves identifying with, • Empathy means acknowledging
and even taking on, another and affirming another’s emotional
person’s emotions. A sympathetic state. An empathetic response is,
response is, “I’m also unhappy with “I can understand why that makes
the way that product works.” you angry.”

• Sympathy • Empathy
I’m so sorry to hear that. That must be frustrating /
I apologize for the issues upsetting.
you’ve been having. It sounds like this has been
I’m sorry that happened, but I really difficult for you.
would like to help you get this That seems like a challenging
resolved. situation.
Why Sympathy or Empathy Important?
Empathy in a call center can not only improve a call but also improve a
customer's overall experience.

Empathy is one of the most important things you can deliver when dealing
with a customer. Often, it's more important than the solution itself.
Empathy helps deliver a positive customer experience.

Empathy helps diffuse volatile phone calls.

• 1. Empathy helps deliver a positive customer experience.

• 2. Empathy helps diffuse volatile phone calls.
• 3. Empathy helps keep customers around longer.
• 4. Empathy helps customers feel like more than a number.
• 5. Empathy helps demonstrate sincerity.
Dos Don'ts
- active listening - Hurriedness
- active voice - Non professional conversation
- Positive spirit - No casual approach
- Helpful attitude - Pinching Tendency
-Politeness -Reflection of Rudeness
-Customer Satisfaction oriented -Forceful Disconnection
Different Types of Customers
1. The Superior, KNOW-IT-ALL Customer
This person knows your business better than you do and
will not hesitate to tell you and anyone else who will
listen. Most often, they will tell you what you’re doing
wrong, even when you do things right.

Identify and come up with an action plan.

Different Types of Customers
2. The Resistive Customer
No matter what you try to do for these people, they will resist
your every effort to satisfy them.
It’s as if they enjoy making themselves and others miserable,
or at least stressing people out.

Identify and come up with an action plan.

Different Types of Customers
3. The Dependent Customer

This customer is like a newborn infant that is totally

dependent on a parent. This type of Customer wants you
to do everything and will not lift a finger to help him or

Identify and come up with an action plan.

Different Types of Customers
4.The Hostile/Antagonistic Customer
This customer loves to pick a fight and simply wants to stir
things up. These customers are not having a bad day; they
usually have a bad life and they take it out on everyone
they meet. Be careful – this customer can become verbally

Identify and come up with an action plan.

Different Types of Customers
5. The Depressed Customer
Nothing satisfies this customer, yet, you have to pity anyone
who is always sad. If you decide to listen to this customer’s
problem, do not become their therapist.

Identify and come up with an action plan.

Different Types of Customers
6. The Uncommunicative Customer

It’s hard to know how to satisfy someone when he or she doesn’t

tell you what you need to Know. In this case, silence is deafening,
and it could be deadly to your efforts at customer retention.

Identify and come up with an action plan.

Different Types of Customers
7. The Talkative Customer

These customers probably just want someone to listen to them,

but their constant talking can become annoying. You must develop
a way to quiet them down without being rude, making them feel
depressed or shattering their self-esteem.

Identify and come up with an action plan.

Different Types of Customers
8. The Let-Other-Speak-For-Me Customer

This person will get his complaints across by quoting others.

He/she won’t say a word to you with his/her own reference.
This person is also a follower so be careful that he/she should
not be negatively influenced by anyone.

Identify and come up with an action plan.

Different Types of Customers
9. The Chronic Complainer

While these customers probably are a combination of several

other types, they deserve separate mention. They buy, they
complain and they attempt to return what they bought … or
they want a refund. Or they just want to chew your head off.

Identify and come up with an action plan.

Different Types of Customers
10. Irate Customers

Irate Customers are ANGRY or UPSET CUSTOMERS


 To know what they want

 To know what they expect from us
 To know how to do it

Surprisingly It is EASY and SIMPLE to manage IRATE Customers.`

• Etiquette
 Where ever you go, follow the rules
 Always greet people with smile
 Be courteous to all
 Stand straight
 Sit in decent posture
 Never be rude to people
 Don't indulge rude approach with driver
 Need to silent while use lift
Its not university so should be polite
while entry in your office canteen.
• Personal Hygiene

 Dress well. Never look shabby or stinky

 While coughing use tissue
 Keep check on body odor
 Trim hair & nails regularly
After using toilet make sure its clean
 Don't poke nose infront of others

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