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Armenian festival

Mila Ananyeva
what it is & where it takes place & what people do

• On 28-th of July Armenia celebrated one of the most beloved

summer holidays both by children and adults - Vardavar, it’s an
Armenian festival in Armenia where people drench each other with
• Now Vardavar is a Christian holiday- this day Armenian Apostolic
Church celebrates the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ. However the
feast dates back to pagan times. The ancient festival was dedicated
to the worship of Astghik , the goddess of water, beauty, love and
fertility. According to a legend, goddess Astghik spread love
through the Armenian land by sprinkling rosy water, that is why
the feast is called Vardavar, where “vard” literally means “rose”.
what it is & where it takes place & what people do

• On Vardavar day in Armenia

one can meet children and
teenagers menacingly
rattling their buckets and
looking for somebody to pour
water on everywhere in the
towns and villages across
Armenia. Often the adults
also join in the fun. No one is
allowed to feel offended or
displeased by mischief on
this day. People splash water
on each other as a symbol of
How people feel about it?

• I think people feel good about it ‘cuz it’s really nice to have some fun in nice company even if
it’s strangers on the streets. Especially in this hard time that we’re going through right now.
• Vardavar is the best way to become cool during hot summer days in Armenia and it is loved by
the tourists too who join the locals and have fun with them.

I’ve got tired while making that presentation sorry

Ok that’s it :)
Thanks for ur attention ^_^

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