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Preposition of Place

Welcome to the world of prepositions of place! In this presentation, we

will explore the definition, examples, and common prepositions that
indicate location.

by Anik Indriyati
Definition of Preposition of Place
1 What are Prepositions of Place?

Prepositions of place are words used to indicate the position or location of

something in relation to another object or point.
Examples of Prepositions of Place
1. In 2. On

I always find comfort in a cozy library with a The cat is sitting peacefully on the sunlit
cup of tea. windowsill.

3. Under 4. Behind

We took cover under a tall oak tree during The hidden waterfall revealed itself behind a
the rainstorm. dense curtain of trees.
Common Prepositions Used to Indicate Location

1. Above 2. Beside 3. Between

Above the clouds, the sky She always keeps her favorite The narrow pathway winds
turned into a mesmerizing books beside her bed for between the towering cliffs,
canvas of colors during late-night reading. creating an enchanting hiking
sunset. experience.
Connecting Prepositions with Enchanting
1 1. Through

Embark on a thrilling adventure through the dense Amazon rainforest, discovering

its breathtaking flora and fauna.

2 2. Across

Feel the adrenaline rush as you zip-line across the vast and majestic canyons of

3 3. Into

Step into the magical world of the ancient Angkor Wat temples and immerse
yourself in its rich history.
Mastering Prepositions for Expressive

1. At 2. Inside 3. On

The sun dips below the Find solace in the warm The golden sun sets on the
horizon, painting the sky in a ambiance inside a charming tranquil beach, casting a
glorious display of colors at the café, surrounded by the aroma mesmerizing glow on the
mountain peak. of freshly brewed coffee. endless horizon.
Expressing Movement with Prepositions
Towards Away From

Anticipation fluttered in his heart as he sailed Sprinting away from the chaos of the city, she
towards the uncharted islands on his small found peace in the serenity of the lush
wooden boat. countryside.

Across Along

With every step, he crossed the vast desert, Hand in hand, they walked along the cobbled
leaving footprints that marked his streets, exploring the hidden gems of the
unwavering determination. charming European town.
Unlocking the Power of Prepositions of Place

1 Observation

Observe the intricate details of nature

by looking closely at the delicate
Interaction 2 petals of a blooming flower.
Interact harmoniously with different
cultures by immersing yourself in local
traditions and customs. 3 Connection

Connect deeply with your

surroundings through mindful
exploration and open-hearted
conversations with fellow

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