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2015 natural

36. Let x , then equal to:

37. When the polynomial is
divided by , the remainder is:

A. -3x+7
38. Given x and y are negative number
Quantity A Quantities B
X+y X-y

Which one of the following is true a bout

the relationship between two quantities A
and B?
A. The two quantities are equal
B. The relationship cannot determined
C. Quantity A is greater than Quantity B
D. Quantity B is greater than Quantity A
39. Given that

Quantities A Quantity B

A. The two quantities are equal

B. The relationship cannot determined
C. Quantity A is greater than Quantity
D. Quantity B is greater than Quantity
40. The total expenditure of the
firm over these items during the
year 2007 is:
A. 447.5
B. 474.5
C. 467.5
D. 476.5
41. What is the average a mount
of tax per year which the firm had
to pay during the whole period?
A. 114.75
B. 76.5
C. 91.8
D. 82.9
42. Total expenditure on all these
items in the year 2006 was
approximately what percent of
total expenditure in the year
A. 78.25
B. 80.12
C. 83.71
D. 81.73
43. The total amount of bones
paid by the firm during the given
period is approximately what
percent of the total amount of
salary paid during this period ?
A. 0.72
B. 0.68
C. 0.62
D. 0.58
45. What is the approximation ratio between
the total expenditure on Taxes for all the
years and the total expenditure on Fuel and
Transport for all the years respectively is
A. 10:26
B. 10:29
C. 10:36
D. 10:39
45. A student earns 13 birr per hours working
for computer center help desk and 9.50 birr
hour working at the copy center because of her
course load, she limits her work to 25 hours per
week .. Earn at least 275 each week . Which one
of the following system of linear inequalities
represent the information?
46. Consider the system of linear inequalities
X –y ≤ 3
3x -3y ≥ d
If the solution set of the system is empty set .
Which one of the following number could be
the value of d?
A. 5
B. 7
C. 8
D. 15

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