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Physical Education 10

Active Recreation(Sports)
Modifying Eating Habits
Eating and our body’s response to eating are some of the
most intriguing concepts in health.
Convenience is only one factor that drives food choices.
Some of the other factors are:
 Advertising- media might have persuaded you to eat
such food
 Availability- there are no others to choose from
 Economy- they are within your means
 Emotional Comfort- they make you feel better for a
 Habit- they are familiar; you always eat them
 Personal Preference- you like the way such food taste
Modifying Eating Habits
 Positive Associations- they are eaten by people
you admire, or they are just for fun
 Region/location- they are common or favored in
you locality
 Social Pressure- they are offered; you feel you
cannot refuse them
 Values/beliefs- they fit your religious traditions,
or honor your ethical beliefs
 Weight- you think they will help you control your
body weight
 Nutritional Value- you think they are good for you
Lifestyle and Managing it.
 The way in which an individual lives is called

 Patterns of an individuals' behavior like everyday

routine at home, in school, or at work; eating,
sleeping, exercise habits and many others.

 These pattern of behavior are related to elevated

or reduced health risk.
Recreational Activities
 Are those activities held during one’s leisure
 Purpose is to refresh oneself by doing activities
that are considered by an individual as
 These may include running, throwing and
jumping or small movements such as playing
board games, doing arts and crafts and many
 Active recreational activities are highly
recommended for health promotion.
Benefits of Active Participation
in Sports and Recreational
Health Benefits
 Road map to good health and longevity
 Improved quality of life
 Lower blood pressure, reduced arthritis pain, weight
loss and lowered risk of diabetes, certain cancers,
osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease

Physical Benefits
 Improvement of skills specific to a particular activity
 Relaxation, rest and revitalization
Benefits of Active Participation
in Sports and Recreational Activities

Mental and Emotional Benefits

 Release of stress from demands of everyday living
 Greater personal confidence and self-esteem
 Sense of achievement
 Reducing risks of depression, anxiety, psychological distress, and emotional
 More restraint in avoiding risky behavior

Social Benefits
 Bonding with family and friends
 Opportunity to make new friends and acquaintances
 Strengthen social networks and community identity

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