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Typing skill for

Nama : :Rizky
Rizky Riyadi

27 MPLB 1
Absen : 27
Kelas XI MPLB 1
Kelas :: XI
typing skill for
Typing skil for secretary is a technique for using a Computer that muat be
learned and drilled.
the use of 10
finger typing for

Usefulness By using 10 fingers typing subconsciously you can

increase your typing speed significantly, in other words you
will save valuable time. Because you don't have to focus on
pressing a single button anymore, sp lets you concentrate on
the text you're writing.
The goal of typing with 10 fingers is

in terms of the results obtained

in terms of time
the results are more satisfying and appropriate
speed up processing time
The conclusion of 10 finger typing
for secretaries is to make it easier for
secretaries to carry out their tasks and
speed up time.

Thank You

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