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Casos de Inversión en Inglés

¿Qué es “INVERSION”?
Simplemente significa cambiar el orden de los
términos dentro de una oración para dar
énfasis a la información que se ubica primero.

Por ejemplo:
 Cooperation about e-waste among countries can help
in the long run.

 In the long run, Cooperation about e-waste among

countries can help.
Fronting(ubicar adelante):
reglas para la inversión de adverbios

 Muchos adverbios pueden ir al comienzo con la función de


 Once upon a time there was a planet without pollution.

 One day they decided that they should protect the world.
 Then they realized that they had to create strategies for waste

 Las partículas adverbiales pueden ir adelante (FRONTING) para

dar instrucciones generalmente a niños pequeños.

 Off we go!
 Down you come!
 In you go!
 Out you come!
 Después de algunos adverbios, se invierte el orden de las
palabras (el verbo auxiliar se ubica delante del sujeto)


 Never
I have never seen such a pandemic!
Never have I seen such a pandemic!
 Rarely
People rarely care for the environment
Rarely does people care for the environment.
 Seldom
A scientific discovery has seldom had such an impact.
Seldom has a scientific discovery had such an impact.
 No sooner … than
As soon as I had known about the quarantine, I locked myself at home.
No sooner had I known about the quarantine, I locked myself at home.
 Little
None suspect a little about what was about to happen with COVID-19
Little did anyone suspect what was about to happen with COVID-19
Inversión en Oraciones
Se utilizan were, had, should adelante del
sujeto. Son expresiones muy formales.


-If scientists find a solution for climate change,

future generations will be saved.

-Should scientists find a solution for climate

change, future generations will be saved.
Inversión en Oraciones
-If there were vaccines for COVID-19,
people would not die of this illness.
-Were there vaccines for COVID-19,
people would not die of this illness.
-If people had known about COVID-19, They
would have stayed home.
- Had people known about COVID-19, They
would have stayed home.

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