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With the selection of candidates, the
responsibility of the sales manager further
increases. More posing, intricate and head
cracking responsibility is that of training the
selected sales-force.
Training is that continuous process which has
four elements namely, telling the salesmen,
showing them, letting them do it and checking
their doing and making sure that they are up to
the expectations.
 Sales training is that responsibility
of a sales manager that eats away
the laxities and fills the cavities of a
potential salesman and gives a
finishing touch to make them more
supple, suitable and able, for the
sales- line responsibilities. Training
is a programmed learning of the
tricks of the trade.
Significance of Sound
Sales-Force Training:
 Learning the things by experience
means learning by trial and error or
hit and misses approach. However,
training replaces such costly and
time- consuming learning by
programmed learning in which
accumulated experience is shared
by the veterans. It is a deliberate
effort and acts as a substitute for so
called ‘experience’.
The merits of training:
 It improves sales performance:Better and improved understanding of market
forces, company policies, product knowledge and the knowledge of the customers
and the knowledge and the use of selling techniques enable him to handle
customers with full confidence. This results in improvement of his sales
performance and profitability of the firm.

 It minimizes the turnover of sales-force:

 In any organisation, new sales-force turnover rate is much higher than the seasoned
sales-force. It is because, they feel themselves misfits for the jobs, become
unnerved and get divorced from the company. It is sales training that builds-up his
knowledge, skills and confidence thus retaining them in the line longer.
 It improves his understanding and behaviour:
 Sound training is one that imparts deeper and sounder understanding of company its
past, present and future as to philosophy, policies, and the procedures. This makes
him aware of what is expected of him in terms of performance and, therefore,
 He is made to match to the pattern of behaviour suitable for the firm’s growth and,
therefore, his growth and prosperity.
 It curbs wastages:
 A trained salesman is likely to cause least waste as he is capable of handling goods
and belongings with utmost care and caution. Trained salesmen are self-starters and
look down upon the supervision.
 It is the untrained who waste much of their valuable time because; they are unaware
of its importance. The wastage of time, efforts and products are nipped in the bud by
a comprehensive training programme.
 It guarantees sound employer-employee relations:
 Trained salesmen bring increased sales and improved sales performance
giving company the desired turnover and profits. When company earns well, it pays
well. This guarantees sound relations, no resignations, no bickering and no clashes.
Contents of Good Training Programme:

 Knowledge of the products.

 Knowledge of the market.
 Knowledge of company.
 Knowledge of selling techniques.
Evaluation of Sales Training Programme:

 Periodic evaluation of sales training and training programmes through which

it is done are a must to keep the top management and the sales-force
informed of the real value of training.
 Further, such evaluation makes possible further improvements in the

programme content and the impact on trainees.

 Evidence of training effectiveness is clearly manifested in increased sales

volume, lower selling costs reduced returns inwards, reduced turnover of

sales-force and well balanced full-line selling.
 The other and more important indicators of satisfactory training are

improved employee morale, interest, goodwill, cooperation and devotion of


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