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plants, leading to stunted growth and reduced crop production.

These diseases spread easily through spores, insects, and

contaminated soil, causing widespread damage. Rusts, blights,
and wilts are common afflictions that can devastate crops like
wheat, potatoes, and tomatoes. Besides economic
consequences, plant diseases disrupt the delicate balance of
ecosystems, affecting biodiversity and food chains. These plants
can be treated if they are identified as diseased. Early detection
and accurate identification of these diseases are essential for
effective disease management. Machine learning and image
processing techniques have shown promise in automating the
process of disease identification.
Model information and description:
This model has been trained with huge datasets of
diseased and healthy plants. The model uses unsupervised
learning to detect unhealthy plants. It can identify diseased
plants without being explicitly programmed. It uses the KNN
method (K-Nearest neighbours). In this method, the model
searches through its training data to identify similarities
between the current image and the ones with which it has
been trained. This plant disease detector model has been made
using python. It has been trained using a huge dataset of
images. This is an AI model. It has been made using several

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