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Inisiasi Tuton ke-6

Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris Niaga
Program Studi Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis
Fakultas Hukum, Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

Penulis: Gita Hilmi Prakoso,S.Pd., M.Pd.

Penelaah: Adisthy Shabrina NQ. B.A.(Hons)., M.Sc
What Is Infrastructure?

 Infrastructure is defined as the basic physical systems of a business,

region, or nation and often involves the production of public goods or
production processes. Examples of infrastructure include transportation
systems, communication networks, sewage, water, and school systems.
 Investments in infrastructure tend to be costly and capital intensive, but
vital to a region's economic development and prosperity. Projects related
to infrastructure improvements may be funded publicly, privately, or
through public-private partnerships.
Key Takeaways

• Infrastructure is the basic facilities and system serving a country, region, or

• Examples of infrastructure include mass transit and telecommunications
• Large-scale infrastructure is usually produced by the public sector and
funded by tax revenue.
• Infrastructure can often be produced on a smaller scale by private firms or
through the local authorities.
• Infrastructure can be defined as soft or hard and both are essential to the
economy and quality of life of a society.
Types of Infrastructure

• Infrastructure is often defined as hard or soft. Hard infrastructure is the

tangible, physical assembly of structures such as roads, bridges, tunnels,
and railways. Soft infrastructure is the services required to maintain the
economic, health, and social needs of a population.
Maintaining Infrastructure

• How infrastructure is maintained and funded generally depends on who

owns it. The government owns many types, particularly infrastructure for
transportation, water, and public education. Most infrastructure is owned
by state and local governments, often partially supported through federal
subsidies, and some infrastructure may be entirely privately owned.
Why Is Infrastructure Important to a Society?

• Infrastructure powers businesses and connects workers to their jobs and

citizens to opportunities for healthcare and education.It creates
opportunities within communities and an economy needs reliable
infrastructure to connect supply chains and move goods and services.
Thank You

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