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- According to Merriam-Webster,
salesmanship is the ability or effectiveness
in presenting persuasively. In other words,
it’s the skill of convincing people to buy
things or to accept or agree to something.

- Yes. It’s close. Leadership, according

to Merriam-Webster, is the power
(power is the ability to act) to
influence others.
What is the importance of
salesmanship? Why is it important?

- To answer this excellent question, first it’s important

to know the definition of salesmanship.
- According to Merriam-Webster, salesmanship is the
ability or effectiveness in presenting persuasively. In
other words, it’s the skill of convincing people to buy
things or to accept or agree to something. FIRST USE
- Be forewarned, however, that too much
salesmanship can appear to be slickness.
Avoid this by tempering your enthusiasm
with periodic reality checks and
remember to listen to stakeholders. It’s a
part of sales process that is often
overshadowed by sheer enthusiasm.
- Effective salesmanship shouldn’t be
confused with leadership. Salesmanship
rests on persuasion; leadership is based
on good example. Leaders can use sales
techniques to bolster their organization,
but must remember to then set an
example that leads to trust.
- Sell from the top. When employees see their
leader selling to a costumer, or pushing an
initiative through the organization, it sends a
message that no one is too big or too important
to engage in salesmanship. Any member of an
organization should consider selling, or more
realistically. promoting the work of the
company, do this by talking up the work your
organization does, what good products it
makes, and how those products help make the
lives of others better.
-link to aspiration. Appeal to one thing that many of us
crave: legacy. Effective salesmen, and leaders, connect
to people’s aspirations for something more, something
bigger than themselves. If you need to generate
enthusiasm for a new initiative or product launch, focus
on initiative or product launch, focus on how much
better the company will be when the transformation
occurs or the new product drops. Savvy leaders make it
known that such good things can only occur when
talented employees join together to make good.
- Address the negatives. There is always
resistance in the sales process. From a
transactional viewpoint, employees (like
customers) may prefer the status quo because
even if things are uncomfortable, they are
known. You cant ignore the negatives – deal
with them head on. Acknowledge them and
defuse them with an effective argument. Also,
never over-promise.
- Sometimes it’s possible to turn negatives into
positives. For example, reorganizations always
provoke thoughts of downsizing. Acknowledge
that notion then either dismiss it because it is
untrue or acknowledge its validity. Then, talk
about how the reorganization will cause short-
term pain in the interest of creating long-term
gain like increased opportunities for individuals
to maximize their skills and achieve more fro
themselves and the company.

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