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11/25/23 Microbiology 1
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM

 Growth of a cell is the

culmination of an ordered
interplay among all of the
physiological activities of
the cell.

11/25/23 Microbiology 2
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
It is a complex process involving
 Entrance of basic nutrients into the
 Conversion of these compounds into
energy and vital cell constituents
 Replication of the chromosome

 Increase in size and mass of the cell

 Division of the cell into two daughter

cells, each containing a copy of the
genome and other vital components

11/25/23 Microbiology 3
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
Bacterial Growth
 Bacterial growth is defined not by
growth in size, but by an increase in
 Bacteria grow by binary fission.
 What occurs during binary fission?
 DNA duplication /DNA replication
 Separation of DNA and
cytoplasmic contents
 Cross wall formation

11/25/23 Microbiology 4
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
 It is assumed that the individual
generation time ( the time required
for a single cell to divide) is the
same for all cells in the population.
 However, in a given population, the
generation times for individual
cells vary, so the term doubling
time encompasses the doubling
time for the total population
11/25/23 Microbiology 5
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
 Generation time = doubling
 time required for a cell to
divide or a population to
 1 to 2 or 100 to 200 or 1
million to 2 million
11/25/23 Microbiology 6
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM

 Most common bacteria

have a generation time 30-
60 min under optimum
 Most common pathogens in
the body, about 5-10 hours.

11/25/23 Microbiology 7
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
Bacterial Growth Curve

11/25/23 Microbiology 8
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
 During this phase, bacteria are
growing in size, but they are not
undergoing binary fission.
 Hence, there is no increase in cell
 The bacteria are adapting to the
new environment and are
synthesizing cellular components
such as ribosomes, enzymes, and
other proteins.
11/25/23 Microbiology 9
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
 This phase is also referred to as the
exponential phase because there is
a logarithmic increase in cell
 This exponential growth is
expressed as the bacteria’s
generation time. During this phase,
the conditions are optimal for
growth and binary fission occurs.

11/25/23 Microbiology 10
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
 Most prokaryotes reproduce by a
process of binary fission, in which the
cell grows in volume until it divides in
half to yield two identical daughter cells.
 Each daughter cell can continue to grow
at the same rate as its parent.
 For this process to occur, the cell must
grow over its entire surface until the time
of cell division, when a new
hemispherical pole forms at the division
septum in the middle of the cell.
11/25/23 Microbiology 11
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
 There is no net increase or decrease in cell
number in this stage. Cell growth
(division) equals cell death.
 Although cell division continues during the
stationary phase, the number of cells that are
able to divide (viable cells) are approximately
equal to the number that are unable to divide
(nonviable cells).
 Thus, the stationary phase represents an
equilibrium between the number of cells able
to divide and the number that are unable to

11/25/23 Microbiology 12
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
 Exhaustion of essential nutrients,
accumulation of toxic waste products,
depletion of oxygen, or development of
an unfavorable pH are the factors
responsible for the decline in the growth
 The insufficient supply of nutrients
also causes some bacteria to form
spores during this phase.

11/25/23 Microbiology 13
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
 Thisphase is characterized
by an exponential death of
 When the media runs out of
nutrients and there are too
many toxins, cells begin to
die at a faster rate.
11/25/23 Microbiology 14
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
Fungal Growth

11/25/23 Microbiology 15
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
Fungal Growth curve

11/25/23 Microbiology 16
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
11/25/23 Microbiology 17
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
 During an initial LAG phase the rate of
growth or cell division is very slow.
 Growth or cell division then starts to
accelerate into the EXPONENTIAL
This exponential phase represents the
period when the fungus is growing or
multiplying most rapidly.
This phase will continue until one or
more nutrients become limiting,
oxygen becomes depleted and/or
metabolic by-products accumulate to
toxic levels.
11/25/23 Microbiology 18
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
 Growth will start to
 This may be followed by a
STATIONARY phase, during
which there is no discernible
change in cell concentration or
 Finally, we may observe a phase
which results in a decrease in
cell number and/or biomass.
11/25/23 Microbiology 19
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
11/25/23 Microbiology 20
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
 Their basic cellular unit is
described as a hypha.
 This is usually a tubular cell
which is surrounded by a rigid,
chitin-containing cell wall.
 The hypha extends by tip
growth, and multiplies by
branching, creating a fine
network called a mycelium.
11/25/23 Microbiology 21
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
 Hyphae contain nuclei,
mitochondria, ribosomes, Golgi and
membrane-bound vesicles within a
plasma-membrane bound
 The sub-cellular structures are
supported and organized by micro-
tubules and endoplasmic reticulum.

11/25/23 Microbiology 22
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
 Not all fungi are multicellular,
some are unicellular and are
termed yeasts.
 These grow by binary fission or
budding, creating new
individuals from the parent cell.
 Simplified diagram of a
vegetative yeast cell and a
budding cell will be shown
11/25/23 Microbiology 23
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
11/25/23 Microbiology 24
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
 Fungal growth occurs at the
hyphal tip by the fusion of
characteristic membrane-bound
vesicles derived from the Golgi.
 These vesicles accumulate in the
apical 10 µm of the hyphal tip.
 The organization of these vesicles
varies in the different taxonomic
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Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
11/25/23 Microbiology 26
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM
Good luck …
11/25/23 Microbiology 27
Lab.Biokimia Nutrisi Fakultas Peternakan UGM

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