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- One factor that allows an individual to identify another
individual as a family member.
- This referred to as descent or the socially accepted
connection between an ancestor and its succeeding generation.
Four main descent rules:
1. Unilineal Descent – this allows an individual to be affiliated to the descent of
one sex group only either the male or female.
Two types of Unilineal Descent
A. Matrilineal Descent – (Uterine descent) leads an individual to trace kinship
relations through the female’s line.
B. Patrilineal Descent – (Agnatic Descent) an individual traces his or her
kinship through the male’s line only.
Clan – this type of kinship is observed among groups of people who
believe that they have unilineal relations based on a common ancestor.

Totem in Canada
PHRATRIES – the identity of the kinship originator is usually unknown,
rendering him or her as a mythical being.
MOIETIES – a moiety differs from a phratry in its function of creating a
sustainable systematic balance within a society.

2. Bilateral Descent – allows an individual to trace kinship ties on both

sides of the family.

Kindred – this type of group is often united by a common relative, it

risks of dissolution when connections to the common relative is lost.
Marriage – as the socially or ritually recognized union or legal contract
between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between them
and their children, and between them and their in-laws.

Marriage several functions:

1. It regulates mating and reproduction.
2. It creates a system that allows for sexual division of labor.
3. It provides for a family dynamics that ensures the provision of needs
of children.
4. It perpetuates economic institutions that are based on family system.
Four types of families
1. Patrifocal and Matrifocal - this type of family is focused on one parent.
2. Monogamous – this type of family consists of single couple and their child or
3. Polygamous – this type of family consists of several parents and their children.

Two types of polygamy family:

a. Polyandry – is a marriage pattern wherein a woman is allowed to marry
several men.
Fraternal Polyandry – women are allowed to marry several husbands who are at
times brothers.
a. Polygyny – is a marriage practice that allows a man to marry several women.
Sororal Polygyny – men are allowed to marry who are at times sisters.
4. Extended Family – this type of family has several married couples
and their children living in one household.

Reconstituted Family- in this type of family the current spouses were

previously married and had children.


1. Patrilocal Residence 6. Matrifocal Residence
2. Matrilocal Residence 7. Ambilocal Residence
3. Neolocal Residence 8. Transnational Families
4. Avunculocal Residence
5. Natalocal Residence
Politics of Kinship
Political Dynasty – refers to the continuous political rule of one family.
This can be in the form of succession of rule or the occupancy of
several political positions by one family.

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