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Presentation Topic

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a fundamental aspect of any business's success and growth. It

refers to the overall feeling of contentment and fulfillment that customers experience after
interacting with a company's products, services, or brand.
Internal customer

 An internal customer is a person or department within your organization that relies on

products and services provided by other departments in order to do their job.
 Internal customers are essential because they help ensure that your organization runs
smoothly and efficiently.
External customer

 An external customer is anyone who purchases products or services from your

business. They could be individual consumers, businesses, or other organizations.
 External customers are essential because they provide the revenue that allows your
business to stay afloat and grow.
Customer perception of quality

 Customer perception of quality refers to the subjective assessment and judgment that
customers make regarding the quality of a product, service, or brand.
 Perception of quality is a crucial factor that influences customer satisfaction, loyalty,
and purchasing decisions.
American society for quality survey on end
users’ perceptions of important factors
 •Performance
 • Features
 • Services
 • Warranty
 • Price
 • Reputation

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