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Iron Age Falaj Systems of the

UAE: A Visual Journey Through


Iron Age Falaj Systems of the

UAE: A Visual Journey Through
Welcome to this presentation on the
fascinating history of the falaj irrigation
systems in the UAE. This presentation will
take you on a visual journey through
time, exploring the development and
significance of these ancient water
What is a Falaj?

Falaj is an ancient irrigation system that

has been used in the UAE for thousands
of years. It is a complex network of
underground tunnels and channels that
transport water from underground
sources to farms and settlements. The
system is designed to conserve water and
distribute it evenly across the land.
During the Iron Age in the UAE, falaj systems were developed and expanded.
These systems played a crucial role in the growth of agriculture and settlements
in the region. The Iron Age also saw the development of new technologies, such
as iron tools, which were used to construct and maintain the falaj systems.
The Significance of Falaj Systems

Falaj systems were not only essential for

agriculture and settlements, but also
played a significant role in the social and
cultural development of the UAE. They
were often managed and maintained by
communities, and the sharing of water
resources through the falaj system
helped to foster a sense of cooperation
and interdependence.
The Decline of Falaj Systems

With the advent of modern technologies

and infrastructure, the use of falaj
systems has declined in the UAE.
However, efforts are being made to
preserve and restore these ancient water
systems, which are an important part of
the country's cultural heritage.

In conclusion, the falaj systems of the

UAE are a testament to the ingenuity
and resourcefulness of the people who
built and maintained them. These
ancient water systems played a crucial
role in the development of agriculture,
settlements, and social cohesion in the
region. It is our responsibility to
preserve and celebrate this important
part of our cultural heritage.
● AL FALAJ is like a hidden underground
maze, with a complex network of tunnels
and channels that distributes water.
● it's fascinating to think that AL Falaj has
used for centuries, passing down the
knowledge of water management through
● The design of AL Falaj is so clever that it
uses gravity to move water, without the
need fancy pumps or technology
Why was the falaj important during the Iron Age?

It is allowed the development of productive

oases and the large-scale cultivation of date
palms as a valuable commodity.
How the falaj changed the life in the UAE?

helped people channel water into their

farms and homes, without having to live
close to mountains and wells.
What the falaj during iron age in UAE?

The use of Falaj changed the way crops

could be grown..
where is the source of fresh water for the falaj?

underground sources like wells or wadis (valleys)

How did falaj save water?

Simple water channels were buried

underground which took the water to the fields
to irrigate them.

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