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Hogwarts Campus

1. Owlery
2. Training Grounds
3. Standing Stones
4. Domed Greenhouse
5. Greenhouses
6. Bell Towers
7. Long Gallery
8. Central Tower
9. Courtyard
10. Astronomy Tower
11. Suspension Bridge
12. Link Bridge
13. Octagon Tower
14. Viaduct
15. Black Lake
16. Boathouse
17. Steps
18. Courtyard
19. Pepperpot
20. Great Hall
21. Staircase Tower
22. Headmaster’s Office
23. Quad
24. Gryffindor Dorm
25. Hospital Wing
26. North Tower
27. Clock Tower
28. Courtyard
29. Wooden Bridge
30. Gatehouse
31. Stone Sundial
32. Hagrid’s Hut

 The third-floor corridor (right-hand side) is out-of-bounds to all who do not wish to
die a painful death
 The dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students
 Swim trunks must be worn while swimming in the black lake (Merpeople’s request)

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