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Conversation Lesson plan- Health B1-B2

• Let´s talk about health

Do you consider yourself to be healthy? Why? Why not?

How often do you exercise?
What is the best thing to stay healthy?
How is your diet?
How much fruit and vegetables do you eat?
Proverbs- ask the students which one is their favorite
• An apple a day keeps the doctor away.—English
• Few desires, buoyant spirits; many cares, feeble health.—Chinese
• A sick person is a prisoner.—Yemenite
• He who has health has hope, and he who has hope, has everything.—Arab Nature
• time, and patience are the three great physicians.—Irish In the emergency room
• Prevention beats medication. Put a lid on what smells bad.—Japanese
• Old age is a thousand headaches.—Persian
Video activity
Pre-viewing activity: Discuss what a person should do to have a better health

Viewing activity:
Mark True or False
( ) Eating fruit and vegetables provides your body with minerals and vitamins
( ) A way to eat more fruit and vegetables is to eat them fresh
( ) Just give a bite on a new food and you will love it
( ) Adding vegetables and fruits to your everyday dishes is a healthy way to eat them
2. How can you watch less TV and use less the cellphone?

3. Mark the benefits of na hour of physical activity according to the vídeo:

( ) makes you lose weight
( ) makes you feel good
( ) helps you to maintain your weight
( ) improves your metabolism
( ) Helps your heart
4. What physical activity was not mentioned on the vídeo?
Bike riding basketball yoga jump rope dancing
Rollerblading hiking walking soccer

5. How can you drink more water?

6. Explain with your words what is 5210.


Viewing activity

1.T, F,F,T
2. Set limits, make a list of things to do and make family time
3. Makes you feel good, helps you to maintain your weight,helps your heart
4. basketball, yoga and soccer
5. Keep it with you, drink it when thristy,replace soda with water, add fresh fruit to flavor
your water

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