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Banking Academy

Banking Academy

Banking Academy

Banking Academy
What is Cibil Score?
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• CIBIL Score is a three-digit numeric summary of your credit history. The score is
derived using the credit history found in the CIBIL Report (also known as CIR i.e
Credit Information Report). A CIR is an individual’s credit payment history across
loan types and credit institutions over a period of time.

Why dose Cibil Score Keep Changing?

• Even companies have a commercial CIBIL score based on their credit history
and credit report. Your CIBIL credit score will keep changing based on your credit
report and credit behaviour. For example, your credit score will drop if you miss EMIs
or make 5 personal loan inquiries in quick succession.

What is Cibil Credit Information Report (CIR)?

• Banks, non-banking finance companies, and other financial institutions submit
customers' credit information to the bureau. Based on this information, CIBIL issues
the Credit Information Report (CIR) and assigns a credit score to the customer.

Is a Cibil Score report 'NA' or 'NH' a bad thing?

• CIBIL Score of ‘NA’ or ‘NH’ is not a bad thing at all. These scores can mean any
1 of 3 things mentioned below: You do not have a credit history or you do not have
enough of a credit history to be scored i.e. you are new to the credit system. You
have had no credit activity in the last couple of years.

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