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Names Registration Number

1. NORBERT C LUTAMBI 2006307210729
2. MUCTAZAL A PHILMON 200630729875
3. VICTOR J MAZENGO 2006307210208
4. AMOS MANYASI 210640728106
5. ALEXANDER P TARIMO 2006307210828
6. FREDY BRYTON 2006307211099
7. NOEL GERLD AIRO 210640729815
8. LUCAS MALOSHA 2006307214465
Presentation areas;
i. Describe software development process for a real time systems.
ii. Design software part of the real time system.
iii. Develop user interface for the real time systems
iv. Integrate event driven database to the real time system
Describe software development process for real time system

• Introduction

The software development process for real time systems involves unique challenges
due to the need for the system to respond to events or inputs within a defined time
frame. Thus when design these software be on the position to consider responsiveness,
reliability and timing constraints.
The following are the typical stages for the software development for real time

• i. Requirements analysis
Make sure to define clearly the real time requirements including response time
constraints, data processing rates, system reliability and the functionality of the system.
Stages cont.
• System design
Create a high-level design that combines both functional and real time
aspects. Specify the architecture, data flows and communication

• Detailed design
For each component or module specify data structure, algorithms and
interfaces while making sure that they all meet the time constraints.
Also here is where error handling mechanisms and fault tolerance is
Stages cont.
• Implementation
Use programming languages and tools suitable for real time
application to write codes based on the detailed design.
• Testing
Validate the real time system by testing functionality and performance
in various conditions to ensure system meets its timing requirements.
• Integration
Combine all components and test the system as whole. This will also
uncover timing issues that were not apparent during unit testing.
Stages cont.
• Verification and validation
Prove that the system meets the specified requirements and validate its
performance in real-world environment. This step ensures that the system
operates correctly and within defined time constraints.
• Deployment
Locate the real time system in its target environment with the consideration
of hardware compatibility.
• Maintenance and upgrades
Regularly monitor and maintain the real time system, address any issues that
arise and consider making improvements based on user feedback or evolving
Design software part of the real time system.
Designing software for real-time systems involves careful consideration
of timing constraints, responsiveness, and reliability. Below is a
simplified example of the software design for a real-time system. This
example provides a broad outline for the software design of a real-time
system. The actual design details would depend on the specific
requirements and constraints of the particular real-time application.
This example assumes the development of a real-time system for
monitoring and controlling an industrial process.

System Overview: The real-time system is designed to monitor and

control various sensors and actuators in an industrial setting.
 Sensor Interface Module: Responsible for reading data from sensors
with precise timing. Design includes interrupt-driven mechanisms to
ensure timely data acquisition.
 Control Module: Processes data from sensors and generates control
signals for actuators. Implements algorithms with deterministic
execution times to meet real-time requirements
 Communication Module: Facilitates communication between the
real-time system and external systems or user interfaces.Uses
protocols optimized for low latency and reliability
 Fault Detection Module: Monitors system parameters and sensor readings
for anomalies. Triggers alarms or initiates corrective actions if abnormal
conditions are detected.
 Real-Time Operating System (RTOS): Utilizes a specialized RTOS to manage
tasks and ensure timely execution. Prioritizes tasks based on criticality to
meet stringent timing constraints.
Key Design Considerations:
 Deterministic Execution: Algorithms and processes are designed for
predictable and consistent execution times.
 Task Scheduling: Use a priority-based scheduling algorithm to ensure that
critical tasks receive precedence.
 Interrupt Handling: Employ interrupt service routines (ISRs) for time-sensitive
operations, such as sensor data acquisition.
 Data Integrity and Reliability: Implement error-checking mechanisms to ensure the
integrity of data transmitted and received.
 Logging and Diagnostics: Incorporate logging features for capturing system events
and performance metrics. Enable diagnostic tools to aid in troubleshooting and
system optimization.
 Redundancy and Fault Tolerance: Integrate redundancy and fault-tolerant
mechanisms to enhance system reliability.
Testing Strategy:
 Unit Testing: Verify individual modules for correct functionality and adherence to
timing constraints
 Integration Testing: Validate the interactions between modules and
assess the overall system behavior.
 Performance Testing: Evaluate the system’s response times under
various load conditions.
 Stress Testing: Subject the system to extreme conditions to identify
potential failure points.
 Deployment: Deploy the real-time software on hardware platforms
compatible with the chosen RTOS and ensure that the system meets
the specified timing requirements in the target environment.
Developing a User Interface for Real-time
Industrial Process Monitoring and Control
• Real-time industrial process monitoring and control systems are
essential for maintaining efficient and safe operations in various
industries, including manufacturing, power generation, and
petrochemical processing.
• A well-designed user interface (UI) is crucial for effective interaction
with these systems, enabling operators to quickly understand process
parameters, identify potential issues, and make timely interventions.
Key Considerations for Industrial UI Design
• Real-time data visualization: Provide clear and concise presentation of real-
time process data using graphs, charts, and gauges.
• Intuitive navigation: Employ a user-friendly layout and navigation structure
to allow operators to easily access relevant information and control
• Alarm management: Implement a robust alarm system to notify operators
of critical events and potential safety hazards.
• Trend analysis: Enable operators to view historical data trends to identify
patterns and predict potential issues.
• Human-machine interaction: Consider ergonomic factors to minimize
operator fatigue and promote long-term usability.
UI Design Elements
• Process overview dashboards: Provide a holistic view of the entire
process, allowing operators to quickly identify critical parameters and potential
• Interactive control panels: Enable operators to adjust process parameters and
control elements directly from the UI.
• Alarm notification system: Display clear and concise alarm messages, highlighting
the source, severity, and potential impact of the alarm.
• Historical data visualization: Provide trend charts and graphs to allow operators to
analyze historical data and identify patterns.
• Contextual help and documentation: Provide easily accessible help resources and
documentation to assist operators in understanding the system and its
UI Design Process
• Requirements gathering: Understand the specific needs and
objectives of the industrial process and its operators.
• User analysis: Conduct user studies to understand operator
preferences, behavior, and potential limitations.
• Concept development: Develop initial UI concepts and mockups for
user feedback and refinement.
• Prototyping: Create interactive prototypes to test UI functionality and
gather user feedback.
• Usability testing: Conduct rigorous usability testing to identify and
address any usability issues.
UI Design Tools
• Sketching and wireframing tools: Create low-fidelity prototypes to
quickly visualize UI layouts and user flows.
• UI design software: Utilize specialized software to create high-fidelity
prototypes and mockups.
• Usability testing tools: Employ tools to record and analyze user
interactions during usability testing sessions.

• A well-designed UI plays a critical role in the success of real-time

industrial process monitoring and control systems.
• By following user-centered design principles and incorporating
appropriate design elements, an effective UI can enhance operator
performance, improve safety, and contribute to overall system
An integration event-driven database in a
real-time system
refers to a database architecture designed to synchronize and respond to events
in real-time. In this context:
•Integration: The database is seamlessly connected to various components or
systems within an environment, allowing for the exchange of information. This
integration ensures that data flows smoothly between different parts of the system.

•Event-Driven: Instead of relying on periodic updates or polling, the system reacts

to events as they occur. Events can be any significant occurrences, such as data
changes, user actions, or external triggers. The database responds promptly to
these events, ensuring that data is updated or processed in real-time
•Integrate Event-Driven Database
 Employ computer programming language to develop real time
system software: Integrate event driven data base to the real time

 To integrate event-driven database functionality into a real-time

system, you can use a programming language like Python, Java, or C+
+. Utilize libraries or frameworks that support event-driven
programming, such as asyncio in Python or RxJava in Java
• . Here’s a simplified guide on how to integrate an event-database into real-
time system

•Choose an Event-Driven Database:

Select a database system that supports event-driven architecture. Examples
include Apache Kafka, Amazon DynamoDB Streams, or a database with built-
in support for triggers and stored procedures.
•Database Schema Design:
Design the database schema to accommodate real-time data. Define tables
and structures that align with the types of events your system will generate.
•Event Capture:
 Implement mechanisms in your real-time system to capture relevant events. This could
include changes in sensor readings, system alerts, or any other significant occurrences
•Event Processing:
 Develop event processing logic within the real-time system to determine when and how
events trigger database interactions. This might involve defining rules for when data
should be written or updated in the database.
•Database Connection:
 Establish a connection between your real-time system and the event-driven database.
Utilize appropriate drivers or libraries for communication.
•Implement Database Triggers (if applicable):
If your chosen database supports triggers, set up triggers that automatically
execute predefined actions when specific events occur. For example, a trigger
might update a summary table whenever new sensor data is received.
•Asynchronous Communication:
Design the integration to be asynchronous, allowing the real-time system to
continue its operations without waiting for the database interactions to
•Error Handling:
 Implement error handling mechanisms to manage situations where the database
may be temporarily unavailable or encounters other issues
•Optimize Database Queries:
Optimize database queries to ensure fast and efficient retrieval of
real-time data. Indexing and proper query design are crucial.
•Logging and Monitoring:
Implement logging and monitoring tools to track interactions
between the real-time system and the event-driven database. This
aids in troubleshooting and performance optimization
•Security Measures:
Apply security measures to protect the integrity and confidentiality of data transmitted
between the real-time system and the database.
Conduct thorough testing to validate the integration. Test scenarios should include various
event triggers and database responses to ensure the system behaves as expected.
Document the integration process, including configuration settings, data flow diagrams,
and any specific considerations for maintenance and troubleshooting.
Deploy the integrated real-time system and event-driven database to
the production environment, ensuring that configurations are aligned
with the operational requirements
Remember, the specifics of integration depend on the choice of database and the
unique requirements of your real-time system. Always refer to the
documentation of the selected database and follow best practices for event-
driven architecture.

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