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(Proposal Presentation)
Background of the Study
 Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is the single most powerful concept that public
health has to offer (Chan, 2012).
 UHC refers to the ability to ensure that all citizens have access to health services
(including prevention, promotion, treatment, and rehabilitation), which are of
sufficient quality and are affordable (WHO, 2010).
 To achieve UHC, international organizations recommend for countries to reduce
health inequalities
 Healthcare workers provide a window into how frontline health workers interpret
domestic health policy reforms.
 healthcare workers who are informed and engaged in new policy may implement
the policy in a manner that supports the policy expectations (Orgill 2019).
 Furthermore, understanding healthcare workers' reactions to an impending UHC
integration, not yet having taken place, will provide an insight to barriers and
facilitators to implementing UHC integration
 As such, there is a need to understand healthcare workers' perceptions and
experiences of UHC integration initiatives.
Statement of the Problem
 As a foundation for and way to move towards UHC, the WHO recommends reorienting health
systems using a Primary Health Care (PHC) approach.
 Strengthening health systems based on PHC result in measurable health impact in countries.
 The delivery of these services requires health and care workers with an optimal skills mix at all
levels of the health system
 The three dimensions of UHC include financial protection (what do people have to pay out of
pocket), services (which services are covered), and population (who is covered).
 Healthcare workers are at the center of the healthcare delivery system.
 The success of implementing the UHC depends on healthcare workers understanding the key
principles of the UHC.
 The way healthcare workers perceive UHC will influence their contribution to the effective
application of the UHC.
 Healthcare providers have been engaged in bitter policy disputes over representation,
remuneration, and the devolution process.
 Because these disputes threaten to undermine the progressive movement towards UHC, there is a
need to understand the basis for contestation and the extent to which frontline health workers
should be involved in subsequent system design.
 This study aims to determine the knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes of healthcare workers in
UHC in Turbo Sub-County, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya.
Objectives of the Study
 General Objectives
 The general objective of this study is to determine the knowledge,
perceptions, and attitudes of healthcare workers in UHC systems in
Turbo Sub-County, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya.
 Specific Objectives
1. To determine the knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes of
healthcare workers on how financing affects the viability of UHC
2. To investigate the knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes of
healthcare workers on how the quality of health delivery affects the
viability of UHC systems
3. To determine the knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes of
healthcare workers on how access to healthcare affects the viability
of UHC systems
Research Questions
i. How is the knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes of
healthcare workers on how financing affects the viability
of UHC systems?
ii. What is the knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes of
healthcare workers on how the quality of health delivery
affects the viability of UHC systems?
iii. How does the knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes of
healthcare workers on access to healthcare affects the
viability of UHC systems?
Theoretical Framework
 Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory
 Abraham Maslow is well renowned for proposing the Hierarchy of Needs Theory in 1943.
 The theory therefore, explains the genesis of why health has always been considered a
secondary need and not a basic need.
 As a result this provides the need for adequate financing of healthcare by the government to
provide healthcare that is equitable in accessibility to all and eliminating cases of clustered
healthcare services as per social classes thereby enhancing the viability of UHC.
 Freedom and Human Rights Theory
 Human rights are seen as rights shared by all - irrespective of citizenship – the benefits of
which everyone should have (Sen, 1999).
 This emphasizes on the linkage between the universality objective of Universal Health
Coverage and the Human Rights.
 Modernization Theory
 This theory can be used to show how the Kenyan Healthcare system has evolved from the
days of pure herbal medication to the present when the herbal medication is given less
prominence to the “modernized” medicine.
 It is however, important to note that the herbal medication still proves effective and
scientists only use them to develop the modern cure.
Research Methodology
 The study will be conducted in Turbo Sub- County in Uasin Gishu County.
 This study will adopt a descriptive research design.
 The target population for this study will be healthcare workers including
nurses, doctors and clinical officers working at hospitals in Turbo Sub-County.
 According to Uasin Gishu County management (2023), there are 234
healthcare workers in hospitals in Turbo Sub-County
 The sample size employed for the identification of target population will be
scientifically computed as recommended by Fischer et al., (2011)
 The sample size for study will be 145 respondents.
 The questionnaire will be the main instrument supported with focused group
discussions as a subsidiary tool; secondary data will also be used as a source
for information.
Research Methodology
 The study will use expert advice to assess how relevant the instruments
capture specific thematic indicators on knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes
of healthcare workers in UHC systems in Turbo Sub-County.
 The internal consistency will be used to check the reliability of the research
 Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0 will aid the analysis
of data.
 Descriptive statistics including means and standard deviations for each
independent and dependent variable.
 Open ended responses will be recorded appropriately for further processing
including being analyzed for themes.
 The qualitative data will be transcribed fully in line with the study objectives.
Ethical issues
 Permits from relevant authorities
 Beneficence principle
 Voluntary participation
 Informed consent
 Privacy and confidentiality
 Anonymity


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